Datę_ Name.
Starting Position: Keeping spine in optimal posturę, puslrball forward until arms are straight while bending knees and hips to counterbalance weight. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize hips.
Movement/Exercise: Hołd squatting position and lift bali overhead and return.
Hołd, lower bali in front. Repeat or return to start. Repeat.
Breathing: Inhale as bali is pushed forward, exhale as bali returns.
1. Squat only as far as comfort allows and do not straighten arms.
2. Step one foot slightly forward for balance assist.
Progression: Walk forward and backward stepping in tempo to raising and lowering bali.
hepeat_Times Do_Times/day 1'urpose/Goal:.
< nmments: The 55cm bali weighs 1 1/2lbs, Ihe 65cm bali weighs 2lbs. Besides aclivaling the uHOUlder girdle and trunk stabilizers, this exercise strengthens Ihe muscles of the legs and spine I mod in functional lifting patterns.
ilf IU95 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT
Starting Position: Stand with feet spread about two feet apart and with toes pointing slightly outward. Hołd bali in front with elbows bent at a 90° angle. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize hips.
Movement/Exercise: Bend hips and knees and lower bali. Then, lift bali towards ceiling while straightening hips and knees.
Breathing: Inhale while lifting, exhale while lowering.
Modification: Only sguat and/or move arms as far as comfort allows.
Progression: As bali is raised overhead and hips and knees straighten, raise up on toes.
Beats/min_ Weights__
Repeat_Times Do_TimesAtay
Purpose/ Goal:_
Commenls: The 55cm bali weighs 1 1/2lbs, Ihe 65cm bali weighs 2lbs. Besides acfwating the shoulder girdle and trunk stabilizers, this exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs used in functbna! lifting patterns. It challenges balance by decreasing the baseof sLpport and increasing the lever arm.
O 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT