img039 (13)

img039 (13)

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2 2 ran 3 did not make 4 limited

Unit 2

5 did not operate 6 did not have

3 Suggested answers


2 What did the company

after-work activities


manufacture at first?

working hours


3 Where did Azim Premji study?

equal opportunities


4    When did Azim Premji take over the company? When did Mr M.H. Premji die?

5    In the 70s and 80s, why did

take responsibility

commission a report encourage movement provide support

Unit 1


1    Personnel: Staff, recruitment, workforce, human resources Accounts: payroll, salary, bookkeeping, expenditure

Sales: retail outlet, consumer, mail order, Wholesale

3    1 product 2 producer

3 production 4 productivity

4    Suggested words

employee, employer, employment, employed, unemployed


Suggested answers

2    What do people like on Marie Riley’s show?

3    Is David Webb worried by the figures?

4    Who is Radio Heartbeat trying to appeal to?

5    Why is David Webb surę that Johnny can bring listeners in?/ Why does David Webb have confidence in Johnny?

6    What is Morgan Wells thinking of


1 Suggested answers

verb-noun    adjective-noun


commitment Professional ąualifications flexible working intensive work keen sportsperson

lb 2d 3c 4a Suggested answers credit card; credit facility; current account; current ratę; deposit account; standing order; overdraft ratę; overdraft facility; direct debit; cash account; cash card; cash point; cash dispenser; interest ratę; mortgage ratę

2    deposit account

3    interest ratę

4    standing order

5    direct debit

Unit 3


many multinational companies stop trading in lndia/leave India?

When did Azim Premji set up the first IT business in Bangalore?

Unit 5





a circle


an oval


a triangle


a square


a sphere


a cylinder


a cone



2 Sample answer Rachel Elnaugh was born in Chelmsford, UK in 1965. She left school in 1983 and went to work in an accountant's Office. In 1985 she moved to London where she worked as a tax consultant. Iń 1989, she first had the idea for the company ‘Red trying to find a special birthday present for her father. In 1991, she started advertising the company in the national newspapers. In 2000,

‘Red Letter Days’ opened their branch in Scotland and in 2004, they opened their third office. In 2005, AIC took over the management of the company.

Unit 4


3 Sample answer Dear Adam

Thanks for the excellent presentation. We should definitely do it again as soon as we can for those people who missed it. Can you suggest a time?

We just need to wait until your team have finished the trial period and then we’re ready to start the new system.

Best wishes Jo


1    2 a 3 g 4 f 5 i 6h 7e 8c 9 b

2    2 virus 3 screensaver 4 hackers 5 spam 6 server

2    a V-shaped b pear-shaped c star-shaped

d mushroom-shaped

3 2 a 3 g 4 e 5 f 6c 7d 8h

5 2 A 3 B 4 B 5B 6A 7 A

6    2 The toner in the photocopier

needs changing.

3    The photocopier keeps overheating.

4    The Computer keyboard needs cleaning.

5    The buttons on the machinę keep jamming.

Unit 6

Grammar 1

2    The bathrooms are inspected every three hours.

3    Previous invoices are kept in the filing cabinet.

4    The staff are paid on the last working day of the month.

5    Discounts are given for all orders over £300.

6    All the bags are checked by the security guard.

7    Gloves are worn when mixing the oil.

8    The perfume bottles are packed into boxes by machines.

9    Cold air is blown over the mixture to cool it.

Answer key 71


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