Transseptaifrontalunutolomy wrth medon drainage (DrafTypa III).
a Resection of ihe aupeńor ąuarter of the nasal septum nto the conlralateral nasal cavrty a! or doaaly
bahndthaupparandofthacarttego-oasaouajunction. Carefid upward dnłng wfth a cfiamond bur w9 open ttwfkOTOflhelpBla! wal and corńrala terał frortalsiriuBes OriantafiononcoronalandsagAtalCTimagea la mandatary. b Afterr«fnovałof themarfced (rad) area In front ofthaikul bata bothfrontalakiusea oonwnunlcata broadty wafli eaeh othar and wSh the nasal cavltiea