k a r
c ck*i* iaj
° **lac,*r wHa« naturę oT che d.
Incher witH «aver or cln fen. t_ r
on thc bunushcd
painrmg or a mprioting che oucUne oTche dc*
r eł*h" wwh hc«<^ metal pŁuTl
_ ocali oontmucd evet> wi,,
el e%łMcemłi ecoturict. m lazge part oT ac was o
kC« multi coloured ■ecn th: prcaccr pan flowcrs, btrdi rcB^udcd u a pro- i t becter aMrlkcc for
ing smali pacchcr «>f
leansig che *tlver ground vśsible on^^ThSPII Foo eaample. in che K-Iam House leathcrs C^latc l^ thi ba* been painted over. Uavang onły such dctails ar * mrcallac Rl>o*. It may be chat che salver feil wj *o *be suc&oe oF che lcacher : cectainly ac providcd |
__ „ al>Bc ccason ^wrma the diffieulty oT acctsrately płaci]
acacdy whese ac waa nrcdcc1,
dcacripcion. probably baaed on his pcrsonal obscrations, may pcthaps be **»« cnoce reliablc ao fitr aa concemporarjr pracciees were conccmcd = hc acuea c aa an indicacion of whcre vamish had co be ressiovcd. aa ligiit improsion of thc atould M. his would bc sisnpler than imprincing. Hia descraption of thc embotting uch cląc mas mc asm chat of £>ideroc (c£ Figs. 5 and O)- A mould was prcparcd by ; che design ara aa błock of ■clcrtcd pear-cree or mi wice-trce wood. madę of
iled aa « a u >i ss_ co judge fionrt che ossly known examplc, preaerved aaa che iet<a ją and
Albert Muscum, abouc ono inch chsck and screngchcncd wich banens on che baclt. I hi* sald was placed, upward. on thc cravdling Ł>ceJ of che adapced princing gareaa.
cd n> and fio bc(ween largc rollers accivaced by a windbłł.• Soch a mach.nc mormoua prcssure. fbr thc top roUci borę only on a oarrow mp " •***■ Ł,<rd-..«d (fae leśfacc .od a countct-mould. paaaed bccwcci. •• and tbc Iowę. one. -mould deacribed in Diderot wa. pccpaccd by placing * *hc^*
board as "*p* w^hich wsp a s of muffseimt chicknca m glucd at a la cer of paper. The 1 nsg Is cląc presm scveral cimes che ■ h ig ■■■ ii waucsld. srsotssly sabneced and bed* catrytng che oomplcc ch«M deacribed Had been arna usr. 1 m che
«* madę ofmaked «^ap. ofgltnting- leathee
lal asarad 00 • ■ mc w —
by ctsrning » mo pass bccwccn cisa obably s» ich buc liecle1 v. s ac was poasihly isn
^ ££.