unknown. A smali fragment of identfcal materiał ejthibited at Madrid in 1955 was foanttmh-cmiury datę. Thesc posably rcptctcnt che rubbśng proces describcd abo*e, whosc eficacy in produdng thń eflect bas bera provcd by acperiments. Leaihcr of rimilar cbaracta bat widi designs of a lata typc hm bera sera aa the backs ofkncekn, whosc fionts were covmd with gik, stamped and painted guiamta thoaght to bc Spanisb. In riew of the eatły Spanisb pieca k sccms posńble that this form of ocnamcnraooo was fint devcloped, as a band ctafi, by Moorith wocken and lata dcvdopcd and rationalired in Itały.
An intatsring nfaence to thts proces (and incidentally the cariy type of red Cocdovan leather- sec pogs ao, 25,49) is to be found in Havatd's Diitiommr ie TameMemat unda the obcokte Brach word atmtie, fiom an invcntory of 1399: ‘denat chana de ulic, pointa de faw coalcun, garnie? de coedonen vermdl, cscocchic a la devńe dc la Royne et de Mous. morire Loyi de France.. whkh may be transbted thus: *a pań of chain painted with fine coloun and cowciod with venndioQ Cordovan leatha, scoechcd wkh the anns of tbc Qoera and of Moraicur Lotus of France’.