Mcnriow gfaould pcrhaps be madę of anocher kiod ofomamcnced Icather found in bocfa Spain and which has bccn nsed for cbe backs ofknedm or cuthions, for scats and backs ofchain, and fot C0»cn for vałuaUe funrirurc. Ii u apparcndy relaccd to somc forms ofguaiamed. Ia chmc-uc dsac ac is madę fiom shccpskin jusc as it co mes (ran che uiwcn, ia che oaninl biscuii colour. ao tnrfacr fiwhmg of any kind having becn applicd, and chat at bean aa aB-rms !»«■»>" in a daekcr bcown. Prccuely how chi* was done is noc known but che cflect could hm bccn in iwo ways; by placing che leachcr, face upward. over a woodcn błock with a
design coc in relief and chen rubbing wach a bonę or woodcn cool which causcd a bruiting and cooscąuenc darkening of che sutface where che pressure borc upon che raised para of che design in che błock bełow; buc ac has also bccn produced by a proces* employing hcac and pressure which was pcrhaps a laser one replacing original hand rubbing. The chair backs illustratcd (which dace fiom che sevcncccnch cencury) (Place So) dearly bear, on che flesh sade, che impression of an ovcr-all design received from a woodcn błock. Exacdy where chese impressiom arr che Icather is darkencd on che grain u de, che sutface where chis occurs being comprcsscd and slighcly baedened. The possibility is chac che Icather, cuc co reauired shapc, was laid grain sidc downward » a beaccd metal place, che wood błock placed, face downward, on che flesh sade and che isscmUy puc for a short ci me under a press, che sutface where cłose concacc was madę wich che ioc bed, being slighcly scorchcd. The same prńacsplc of darkening vcgctablc canncd leachcr with leafod metal was laccr employed in some forms of błind cooling and in *creasing' omamcncal ines, usually adjaccnc co edges. karane crcamplcs include che chair backs mcncśoncd; che covm f large cdcsdal and cerrescriał globcs now in che library ac Ham House; a number ofcovcrs for sblcs and ochcr piece* of fumicure, also fiom Ham House buc in a dilapidated State fiom use; nd che covers, nul in use, for a sec of highly ornamenced, carved and gile chair* and settccs in che Ronini Pałace, Florence. Thcre is anocher such set on some 50 eightcemh-century chair* in che kocia Pałace, Romę. In Spain thcre is, or was, a piece aboul 0-58 x: 0-35 m. (rjx ij| »*•) >vercd wich an inchcace Moorish design in which che background is dark brown and che BŚgn tcsdf in che natural colour of che leachcr. This interesting piece, said 10 dace fiom the ćccoch or suctccnch cencury was orhibśted ar Barcelona in 1951. being docribed as tm fmks k was chen in a privacc collccrion. sińce dupeesed, and ics present whcreaboua is