(mc Appendiz C). Trae ■ has cłtabfehcd that fiom the iccond half of the icwnteenih cenimy imo ibe oghtccnth. one paitknbr soe - 076/0-79 m. (30/31 in.) high by 0-61/0-63$ m. (24/25 in.) wide — was co mino n, bur cnnpla in this uze appear to have come fiom Spain, France and che Low Countrics.
We arc thrown back on to the actual designs employed, coupled with the styk of omamentadon. Design alone is buc rareły a surę guide, ezcept vety broadly. Some omamental devkes remaincd in regular use for long periods; for cxample, versions of the so<alled 'pomegranate' patiem, wbich was dewlopcd early in the fificcnth century, were stfll being used in the scvcntccndi (Platę 16). The design of some of the earlicst fHśitmeriet still cxtant arc Mosiem in concepdon (Plates 1,2, j, 8,9) yet all these czampks pcobabły datę fiom the tuttctndi or sevenreenth century, włuk Platę 4 is a mucrure of Moorish and Chriman Godne but dases fiom tbc sancenth century (ser noce to dni place). Fiom the number of suefa akar-fiootab srill sunrwring k u elear that the moriscos, who were to a large eztrnt in control of dus nade, włrik they still adhered to Islam were perfcedy prepared to pcoduce pattons spedally eoneemed for Christian clicnts. These are designs flamboyant in a way that suggesrs Spanish origin whilst otben haw a culti-vated ekgancc rcdolcnt of France in the lace sevemccnth and early eightcenth ccntunes: it has been taid that the Dutch low of garden mg is dearły evident in ccrtain realiście, informal flocal designs, and the author has suggested (see pages 67-8) that the English approach to flowa designs migbt be deteaed in deoih of ccrtain paaerus In Bdgian colkcdons there are csamplcs of spkndid embossed gik kaihcr hangings (oficn daimed, pcobabły corrccdy, as Malina work) in whsch is cvidcnt eaubcrancc and srialńy of a kmd fbund, kr czamplc, in the paintings of Rabem and which n anooascd with ocher aspetrs of de wcakh and gdmdour of Flandcss in ńs hey day.
In early bons/md—dtr were ddibcatcły madę to imitatc odxx mifish. pemdpaBy cosdybcoadesordamasks (Plates S, 9. u. 12.14.15). There odm in Spasmk nltrncins a fcw fiagmrmt of kaihcr bcaring designs so sami* co dmc of estant fifieenth-eencury bracadfs as m kaw no rcasonabk doubt that these were being imsoaed in leadaa as a cha po and morę listing medium. These ceamplrs canld quite wel datę fiom the fiteenth century but they may be tomewłm later: these is no sute way oftefling. In some casrs the anempo at realism went so cormdcnbk lmgdn. as when the sutfacc was madę co resembłe the actual teatuse of a wown fabric by a sptfio procen (Platę 11) ba m
d śm md of de w—ś c—r; yn t ld,iikMandpi(d»)ad mn\ Hol (S-jef 1752- Prdji dn
Idlm tof Goili