Ii ■ mej difcnk » datnmnc the daae m pwmnancr eta pawinili
g* kanw hanging. V«y fcw mfln bor mscripcions thac purndt pośr.e of tbe płace of ayn. tbe mac of ibc na ker ar włam k was mdc (X hwndfwłf of qxrćmens eriiinrd by the amhoc, onJy one - an akar froncal - bcan a daar (16S1); i abo bas a German mono, which seans to indicate che place of origin (Pbre 24). Hndi1 naced dw sevcral chinoiscric sczecni h”T
buks of t «wwłn»i imtmj ba gp/ts spccćfic Atafli gf only one. funv4y a fragment beabng tbc menpdoo ‘Covamy, London' (dhatraicd in Place 20 of E. A. Ełmk's TleBwkcfWdlpeper, 1954)1 dum thac bas not, so far, been traccd in London recotds. Of ibc wy fem knowp docommncy rccocds, mainly imrencorics, poły a haadful prorok any ipedtic ndotmatiua. As al Arce of die principal decocatwc tcchniques condnocd m me firn die dae of tfadr inerodocnoo (wfaacb m no caae « accnratdy kam) unal che eodofthe nory, dae pmidc no itfahle gnidę: fot ctamplc. die Kcfenique of the pand Asaased in Piat 61 n ecdrdy band wodc and appean to dae fion che óaecnth cenrury oe odia. bot die aonal óeapt coold not much picdaae the begmnmgs of the c%baemb cenny. Wde ar pnnłlc to takc to pieers and crananr tbe harks ofhangmgs ■ mm and tata* armad witb Icather on botb udes, otber names ndgbc be feund bot, witboot łupportmg cvidence, there coold be no ccniny wbgfaer tfacsc irpttsenard learhg gdden <***dymadiann.ł A endyofthesżzaofmany speomem has not betmeryieieałmg