

Bulrush l G


Riverside Delights


Hicsc pattcrn details should be uscd in conjunction willi thc

General Instruclions sheet.

‘"Out at..." means bring (lic needle from (lic back of (lic

work througli (o thc front.

“In ćh... means lakc the needle from thc right side of thc

work through to the back.

On manj* scclions ofthis design sonie lioles arc uscd morę

than once.

Plants Leaf 1*

Out at A in at B Out at C in at D Out at E in at B Out at C in at F Out at G in at H Out at I in at J Out at K in at H Out at I in at L

Bulrush 1 Out at M in at A Out at B in at C Out at D in at E Out at A in at F Out at G in at F Out at I I in at G Out at H in at I Out at J in at K Out at L in at M Out at I in at N

Bulrush 2 Stitch in the same way as bulrush 1 starting at the stem base with out at O and finishing at the base with in at P.

Bulrush 3 Slilch in llie same way as bulrush I slarting at tlić stem base with out at Q and finishing at the base with in at R.

Lcaf 2

Out at S in at W Out at X in at 3 Out at 4 in at W Out at X in at T Out at U in at Y Out at Z in at 1 Out at 2 in at Y Out at Z in at V



Out at I at the licad end and in at 2 at thc taił end.

Out at A in at B Out at C in at D Out at E in a"l F Out at G in at 11 Out at C in at I * Out at .1 in at B Out at K in at L Out at M in at N Out at J in at O Continue tliis sequence to in at P at thc liead end.

Out at Q in at R Out at S in at 7


Out at I in at 2

Out at 3 in at 4

OuFat 5 in at 6

Out at 7 in at 8

Completc thc othcr side of

thc liead in thc same way.

Wing Front Right Out at A in at B Out at C in at l)

Out at E in at F

Coiilinuc tliis scqucncc to G

Wing Back Right

Out at M in at 1

Out at J in at K

Out at E in at M

Continue tliis sequcncc to N

Wings Lcfl

Stilch thcse in thc sanie way as tlić right hand wings.

Copyright (O 1998 U .1 Dcsigns Publishcd by Caril Inspiralions Form-A-Lines is a Rcgistcrcd Ti ailcinark


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