applies chokes of this naturę.
It reąuires morę ski.ll to apply Judo chokes prop-erly, against the carotid artery. You must not apply even the legał chokes without the presence of a Black Belt mstructor. The legał choke against the carotid artery can cause unconscious-ness and there is danger of serious, permanent injury or even fatality if the unconscious person is not revived within a matter of minutes.
Standing chokes have a value in freestyle play as a submission hołd. They may also be used as a feinting technique to divert your opponent and set him up for a planned throw. When using a standing choke and throw combination, be careful to release the choke as the throw is executed or your opponent cannot fali properly and the choke pressure is likely to become dangerous.
When applying any sort of choke, you must release pressure immediately when your opponent taps for submission. Use your good judgment about releasing even if he does not tap, if he is obviously enduring the choke for foolish "bravery".
Briefly stated, the principle of Ki-Ya (super-power) is the use of breath-control simultaneous with the action. As you prepare to throw, inhale. As you execute the throw, exhale sharply and yell. The yell has the same effect as the grunt which you normally use when lifting or pushing a heavy ob-ject. It tenses the abdominal muscles for extra effort and concentrates extra power for the spe-cific instant of action. The yell of Ki-Ya has an additional effect of startling and disconcerting the opponent.
(Con't on page 40)