jow10 02

jow10 02



I ta qultc tafb Ir. aa/tię that 100/. of body but Hora taiow proat doal ''v-ovrt tho ccntrsetlon of tlolr r-useles, but gnly about Sfi taim anythlar, about twaelo •    *.• r -.i-r, it it surjrrltlr.. to how fv» Yr.m that thcre io auch a thinj %a

-uaolo \-;.r!•••: aj-., ' "At V.\l<ir > i . ' - fcatC 8

Tou aay rai to your hrow a o you roiu! »iy atat®ottfc that amaclo lonrthor.i&ę

. t ': ;or L-;-ortart it that mięta

nutrio lanr.thcrln'; it pr-cfcieed fjlly b*fl6rc you tata up thc rosi aorioue tido of L1 r.rvar tot tho nott out of your suaoloa.

TThon you aak a folio; tc #ho* you hit nutolo ho taswdlataly douMot up hit ar contractlny hit bir«.pt nil ho otr., actSat tho groateat Isprenaion it ęottor., i hol\ eliaor for^tior. o;' the upnor iru. Tou crpuet i nt, hut lt it nut iirely you woni ':o ianrotood by sarin- hi* to a)vcmr you hov atraijht ho oould holi*.

Kit am out. I a*. Tt la tho flrtt

Por tnotrr.o-, you raroly »vo a :«a vho hJUidlao a hvrwr or a tłumi horo u ttraięht ar.-..    .v» it -uir.-» by th-- jl o In ropooo, tho M-. it orooked at tho

i-.- uiu, -.-ucot *.be body of tho autolo to ahorton, norootor t>* li tr.-tcnt* ntror ac-juiro tholr ftiU lenfth tlsply bocauto tho aotclo la •♦ inuall*- vt«'. r ":rr«

•ollorB whc ira alwnys ourllr.r wair.htt *ot ahorwncd oioepa, and of "ehlnninf t>v. bar" fali lrto bh* »«* siata at tht roi-ht curlor, bloek-tuith, o ar pen tor, or thoralor. Any one o:' thate muld ham nain if auspendod by tłat huat* fTen a bar. IS« fbclin; i* tho folii of tho clbe» joint aad at tho ahaullera mmli bo torrifle. 'iot boln- aoouateooti to that Łcind of rooiotwro, thoy at • . . . - • łv in.

I vi- of.łtr. told yo-i ?u.-rles aro not of my uso, aa m unlorstnnd it, uslott Lhuy nr' halancadj tŚioy oa aot hc balanood unloet    har« fali trrtoc.-

alcc aa m*ll aa c^pUtf flccclon* Tho redl1* Of pooor laist be equ«lly dWldad both ••'ayt. Th* siarloi of a centor !:.not ar; lot;- oni! vory -linbU, but thoy aro not eaoeblo of treat po»«r >vcauav they bm not baon trainad to oontract forcibly otiourhi aiyrertholcia. lotig au:ol«i kiu rapplc ruiclot, r..vd if tho lonpth of thair er tort . i T*do rapobio of jrt-at ooatraotion thoy r a tu rally banów doubly itron^.

Tho troublt wlth a sajsolo that la eentr.-ctoi: lt ‘Jie otnror lt linitod, at 1 Inforacd you b«fOr«i it it flhartoiMtó. r-..« la tht oonditlon that oautot long or nnr.rt lnr.5#

Taki* lt thit *«y. R'ir;>oao you worc -cir.r *.o thro* a bali, and you hap-potad to bo trylue to pite?    |y you muld it(>p out of

oomer i- orrior t*. < loao ruetrletod i.. >nj? gvi;-r    ' i*.c' t.-.o bali. Yo> in-

ttv.tlv ;ouad you -oulć not obtair. th: ntceatary uoaenbun to you dld ahat muld porrAt it. That la jutt ahat uo ara goinr t® do, riY». your maolaa tho nc^ottary rwne: and looorafo tc -ora thu- ioat pouorftil.

Li^aaontr    -iO ‘r short or lo"*., mai- or stron. , ac-.ordinj bo nca yoo traat

th*u rłiat orory tJ"    -ood thiok llpwita for the -uaclot to puli on.

Tho BhorUr.lnr or the blcopa La ohat dram your forcam up to tho ahouldor. llęaoont or tlnom attanhed to tho boco of tho lomr am aro direotly ccnnuotod olth tho blcope. if tho llrarant lt thln tnd mak, you eaanot crpect to raiae a tury hoąiry object to tho thoul*rr.



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