tor;, r&n ?xtCmlIŁ3.
The aiscloa of your bod/ ero tho ol*vcc •.! ycrjr Bind*
.^laierer tho adnd dlototoa that tho ouaoloa cieli do, ao do thoao Botora of power orert • -mtnoolrea.
Concaą.iontly, tbo bctter condltiar. your itiacloe or© i;, aad tho aier© powor tiioy hft-ro, rh© bottor abl© ar* th*y to ful nil tho purpoao of your nlnd*
yotwoen tho clnd and tho suaolo Łioro la anothor furco of cucnlicAtior. thtt ia oąually aa i.tpartcmt aa olthor. In fiot It la part of tho ono. Tho only roaaen that I dlfforontlat© i« boeauae an aecldont ©aa haoper. to thla choin of oon-11 not cr tiroły orip/lo tho othor*
I vr. nwr roforrinr to your -crra a/atosu Iroldcsitally, thora aro t»© typoa of norro ordera*
Tho orobrc :,;:r.r.! tła S/nrnt oya V .
The Corebro aplnal ayatoa la tho oor.tril atatlon froc. whioh all othor norro sortera aro eo;trali?:l.
.’© fcnow thla partleular aietioc aa t!\o breln*
Tho aympathatlc sy«ton ia aubjoee to tho hlghor ordor that ©nploys tho ayspathotlc a/iton aa a reodror and dletributor of all nontal daaanda*
•Jndor tho cor. troi of tliła auhjoctod ayatoa aro nlllioua of norro a ta tlona thnt rcuch *.o <rvory «rt of your ‘-ody.
The oorobro ayatoa narta at tho baao of your hoed and ooctinuoa all down your spioo by what la auro® aa tho apinal oord*
Thla o ord threrwa off thlrty-on* yalra of aplaal co rroa that aro oaablod to paaa throu.rl. your rortohra throu-.h c.iritiea, ong at oach .tldo*
Km thoy paaa In to your body thoy bococw tho aynpathotie ayatoa and aro dlride-4 and aubdirldod ao thoy branch. throuchout your body*
Tbolr dlrialon ia elaaa1- iod tnto norro coila and norro ribroa*
Tho neryo coli containa your brain that recelroa ordor* fYon hoadąuartora and lmodletoly tr&naalta Uiea throuęh your norro flbrea, whioh Łn turo atlaulato your isjrcloa lato aotlrity*
Tacrererc tho be-ilthlcr toaod tho to r.orre lyitssi of youra aro, tho frater roiltlon la ęlron to tho auaoloa of your body to onoreto* F9T If ti<ro ia a Inek of aubstentlal wooolar tls : ;o, tl ire will v.« ocly ooor rerulto re^latorod, no catlor hew rmjch norroua ribrution you haro at ocena.-/.
Thoao foręo* work both w»ya. Zu ordor to £0t tho laoat out of youraolf, all thi:ira mat bo »qual.
irldcao© of thla la beftre your oyoa cror’ day* Suoooaaftil aan aro thoao ▼ihal aon oho har* a balanoed ormarian of ordera*
Thi.y > ho laok bolanoo ahow lt Łn sany v/aya*
A linb bcconoa paialytod bocauoa ao-ethinr ha* hhppoaod to rob lt cf lta ftłnot&oninę powers* Tho norro oolla ł»ro diod ar.d ^mdually tho llah wiato# a«ąy.
Tato a poraor w ho a o raontalłty* .r lo* , you trill flnd hla or hor l«aa sor.-altiro to phyaioal fOolln^a. Slow to think and a Iow to aet* Only too ofton aro hi# phyalool actiritio* reduood throufh Biadirootion of tho forcoa.
Ba ia alao loas aenaltiro to u fclow boeauao ho haa a lo*or ordor of narro Tibration*
lt ia a er om t law wlihin a rrott law*
All la aetuatod froa ono bi^ oentor cotn;*oaod of oolla ind fibro—tho brain* }ron thla orlgln ia traasrJttod ordara to tho norro nacwifora that rocelro thoa at tho brain ecr.tora to fimotlon tho fibrę*.