Physical Cul turę nurans the perfccling of thc bodily organisto mc utaiły a tul physically
body and mould it into a perfcct symmctrical dcvclopmcnt, with all thc strength, cncrgy and cndurancc you will need. Your system is not loadrd with poisonous wastc matter. It is no longcr chokcd or dogged up. You becomc hcalthy, wholc-sonie. Your cycs have a ncw sparkle, there is a spring and buoyancy in your step, your mentality is kecn and your brain elear—because your blood is purc, having bccn rcvitalizcd by my natural and scicntific methods. And so you can have a NEW, PERFECT BODY with no past history of weakness or discasc. Think of the joy of bcing madę ovcr again—entircly a ncw man with all the vim and vigor of Etemal Youth! This is what I guarantce if you faithfully and eon-scientiously follow my instructions.
This is thc ONLY way to REAL Henith—permanent Health- and there is no other way. Health can not be purchased in a bottlc ovcr thc drug storę countcr. Health cannot bc sccurcd by reading about it. It must be carnrd. Occasionally a mail thinks that by somc mysterious power be can becomc a PERFECT MAN ovemight, but YOU arc intc.Iligcnt cnough to realize 1 don’t daim to give you a devclopmcnt likc minc in a wrek, but you DO know that as you apply these power-crcating methods, sent you w cek by weck, you will bc plcasantly surpriscd at the wondcrful progress you will surdy make. Day by day as you faithfully carry out thc simplc instructions you will be stringing hcalthy days together and soon weave a PÓWERFUL, PERFECT body to last all through life. Remcmber, nothing worth while comcs without effort. After a few short nionths you will succccd in a big way and your succcss will astonish yoursclf and amnzc and thrill your friends! Thcn you’11 be glad and anxious to tell your friends you owe it all to my course. That is how I get most of my pupils—not by flashy advertising. but by one pupil recommending another. I know, long before you havc com-plcted your course you will bc so enthusiastic in vour praisc you will get three or four morę pupils for me, so that I can help t
them, too, and thus spread thc Gospd of Good Health.
Personality counts morę today than anything clsc in the world. If you havc an attractivc Personality you arc ccrtain of Succcss. You can actually COMMAND whatcvcr your heart desires. With Personality you fairly RA Dl ATK POWER! You becomc thc center of actiyitics. You win rcspcct, admiration, envy. You becomc irrisistiblc. Personality is the outward rxf>rrssion of nn inner POIVER. of buoyant Health, resertte strength, eontrolled will. It can bc quick!y dcvcIoped. You want to be forccful, pleasing, magnetic! The secrets ■
of acquiring a winning Personality arc fuli) Suetess and happinns comts omly but briefly told in my ncw origtnttl System. '*
Lifc’s most brilliant oppnrtunities cotue otily tn those who are alivc and awakc