I2<j Chaprcr 5 Eaith Processes: Physical Principle*
FIGURĘ 5.22 (a) The principle of Airy isosrasy. The
larger blocks ot wood floating :n che cank o< wuter havc a proportionarciy lar^er submerged “root,” which supporrs ihe porrion excending ahovc thc watcr*s sur face. llie. force of buoyancy dcpcnds on how much of thc błock is submcrtfcd.
(b) The deprh of COmpensation is thc point wirhin Farrh where f Iow occurs to encure that ihe pressure thc same, or isostatic. cvcryw"hcrc. The weighi pei unii arca in cach vcrric.al column of marena! abovc this deprh musr be rhe same.