Adranocd Courat,
;orer nogloct to aaasago th* Busolo* after owory tralnlnr pructtoc, wid ; aflh off tho peraolratlon wlth a a^ongo or a aboror of tonid wator boforc rc-
tirln-,. 8loup wlth tha windowa oper. top bottm and continua tho praetloo of !rir,\ir:ę cold wator or. ar,iaiag. Gloan t*o tooth bo Toro mtlriar and gorglo tho tireat* ro< ; your b ody cloaa Ina Ido and oux aa rigidly aa ahoui-! bt.
'Vjc. body culturo your rell.-lon and you -trill not ;o satray. Ifeink of orclau rolig leniały and you will praotio© It rcligiounly.
•toaonbor that tho uooont your body bobino to de^onerato tho orlala of To-ir fioul loora upór you, you unter tho dlaoards. Dcn»t court it. A flno olcan, «r*lthy woli fonsod body wlth auaoloa flllod wlth atr-^th is tho .ęroatoat gift -d q ua* Ifc nado lt porfaet, ao build lt to that atut© and boo;> it thon., and any thing I eaa do to help you I ^ladly will.
In cemaluoior., lot no aay in rofOrer.oo to any apoolali cod oourac you nocd ut any tira, to brln- up any partio u lar part of tho body. Tho aolcntinc practlco la tc aoloet ft<n your oourao four eacrolaoa cororing tho part of your body you wlah to ap-joliliro - no r.or. tb-iu ibur. Pr o© tlec the. twclrc tisaio each, thon wat a alruto or two. TTcn ro oual' or or agalr tho *xuw aoour.t of tiaoa.
^apoat thcM four cnorolaaa free threo to fbur tł_rou in tho naimor ox;-lnlnnd ©wory axorołoo period aa yo'i fuol ablc* Jo not roro© youreolf. After you hawo practlood tho four owrotaco the tooml, third and fourth lino, y*r.tly naaoago tłjo ra-.aoloa to knop tho blood ©iroulating. Fraetlec four rhta wockly. łenday, Tuesday, reat • o-: oaday, thon rractico 7hur*dav and Wrlday and roat C^turda/ ar.d Sunday. Do thla for om .sosth, thor. aubatltote or tw» n<jv oxorolaoa la plaoo of aay two you harc boon dolnr ao tho ruccloa aro kojrt ipraatllo in tanotlon. Thia apcclnllaln.- pro prań głrea wondarftil rwculta. Don* i forjot to brer.tho right. Thia in laoortar.t.