jowtest 04

jowtest 04

Ao a natter of interoat, it Is not a bacJ idea to soe hcw nany tincs you car. porfom the co toatc on your firnt nlht»a practico In ordor to eoo what the wjo>'h praetlce brtnra ©u*. ar. your finał tost, dali, lota of luck*

T. £.    r*> you pot a kicie out of watebing your :Viendi try tho lr atreaRth? I

thlnk lt i» a great aport. Ua-ually tho auppoaed "Stron/:1 one flnda hlaoolf auoh woafcor thon ho o-ror roalised, The next tir.o you nuć your buddies ,.et togethar hara thon try out these a tur. ta. Thoy aro ain?lo but will auro find the weak a po ta#

Oot two ohnlra ar.d płaco thsar a part the wldth of your body but baek to b&eka Acroea tho ba oka In tha c«ntor lay a broon handle. Ihla dor.e, taka up yeur poaition by lyinr ąror.e on your bock botwoon the ohnirs# Roach u? and rrnap the brona handle fir.aly with both honda, at the seune tLae atiffon the body ao only the «jeol* arc on tho floor, tho rest of tho body will be har.jrlnp by the arna. Mew alowly, wlthout bendinr the body but by the strcr.gth of the ame and nhouldora, draw yoursolf up ln an effort to nake your chin touęh uh* bar. Itet -nny oan de thl# wlthout bendinp the body or polne up quickly| nnithor of whlch la conaidored fhlr prootioo# Thie atunt eon bo codo noro intorestlns: by reveralni* the poaition of the honda# «.a wili aaaiune ir. tho fi rat atunt you ęraspod tho bar in the ropular ssannor whlch placee the palrui of the band fhelnj; front, the aeconć will rovorae the poaition of tho palna ao that they aro fhelnp your fhco. In eaoh eaae aee how nar.y tinea you oan draw your chln to tho bar oorrootly*

116at pooplo find hand and fingor atronrth very iateresting# Hero ia a oLnple way to teat it. Set a brlok and plaoe it endwiac or longthwiae on a bos or a cha Lr. TJwn stand ereet aloc'$Łdc it. '.'w? a pan tho trick with the thunb and tho lndex finger enly, and hołd the other im otit lYee of the body. Slowly pin oh the brick and lift it wlthout any other aid as high as you can. Th i a done, try tho thur.b and next finjer, ojk! oo on; lift with the thur.b ar,d finger untll you harc trlod all of your flngora. But renesabor at no tt-ne ioay morc than ono finser and the thuab be osployed. Try thon# Thoy prowlde lota of (Vm.


?. J.



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