mb 36

mb 36

No. 16—This illu9tration la to show the contraction of the '*qua(lricep8 ex-tensor femoris.” nrhich U the larjre muscle at the front of the thi^h. łmmediately above the knee, It ahadea ofT i nto a heav>* fiat tendon, ■whieh includes the knec cap. In the model the ehsdpws to the left show where the belly of the muscle is nhadinR- off into the tendon. Thi.i muacle straightena the lej? every fcime one raisea up from havin*c stooped to tho Hoor. The straijjrhtenlnK of the knee is accomplished by means of thia muscle. It is one of the slrongrcst muscles of tho Lody.


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