mbs 078

mbs 078


conspicuously-knotted abdominal muscles believe, and make otliers believe, that sucb muscles are strorg. But they may really be so weak that the whole trunk trembles when it is raised slowly from recumbent into sitting position, with feet ftxed or supported. The strongest, ąuickest and with most staying power are those muscles whicli are quite soft wlien not used or not being voluntarily and momcntarily contracted.

To have fuli control over the abdomen, an athlete should be able to distend it completely, and in tum draw it inwards considerably. And in both these extreme positions, and in all intfcrmediatc positions as well, hc should be able to relax the muscles and in tum to contract them. It is therefore easily misunderstood when using the exprcssion “ contracted abdomen ” as synonymous with “ indrawn abdomen " ; the muscle libres of the abdomen can be contracted and hard even when the abdomen is utterly distended.

It is the Swedish drill, as taught in the schools and in the Anny, whicli is responsiblc for the superstition that it is beautiful to have the chest constantly arched and the abdomen constantly drawn in, and for all the troubles and ailments whicli follow tliis bad habit and unnatural bearing of the body. It is certainly wrong to have a too large, distended or fat “ tummy.” But it is just as wrong to be hollow in this part of the anatomy. The happy medium is here, as anywhere, the healthiest State of things.

The belief that the abdomen should be drawn in when exhaling is very common, and also widespread among athletes. It is tnie that it is possible partly to exhale by drawing the abdomen inwards, in that the displaced intes-tines then press the diaphragm upwards, whereby the lower lobes of the lungs are compressed and emptied. But unfortunately the action is limited to this part of the lungs, whereas when the ribs are contracted completely both the lower and middle lobes of the lungs are emptied. Just the


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