Obrazek39 (2)

Obrazek39 (2)

@H0I~1 iii*

Make...felt sachets

Their gorgeous handmade appeal makes them a chic alternatwe to shiny baubles

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

CUT two felt shapes to the same size for each decoration. We’ve chosen a variety of squares. circles and heart shapes. Cut an aperture large enough to fit your stitched design in the middle of one of the pieces.

ATTACH your stitching to the felt piece with smali running stitches around the aperture. We used smali stitches and coordinating thread, but for a bolder look, choose contrasting coloured thread.

SANDWICH thin white wadding or stuff ing between the two felt layers. Add a blanket stitch around the outside edge to close. Turn to page 19 to learn how to work your blanket stitch edging.

ATTACH a loop for hanging to the back of your sachet by looping purple thread around the cut ends. Sew a coordinating bead or button to the front of your sachet for the perfect finishing touch.


JANUARY 2011 i Ov


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