Project by: Carolinc Vincent Stitch time: 42 hours Design size: 31x32.3cm
Or try... this!
Ifyou prefer the traditional touch, mount your sampler in a classic frame
amplers will newrgo out of \ style, and to prove it wc’vc eonie
V__) up with this gorgeous design
and, for proper 21st ccntury quirkincss, had it madę up as a stylish cushion.
We were really lucky to find a semmmy striped tablic to back it with in a loeal shop, in colours that perteedy niatch the autumnal threads in the sampler. Don’t you just love it when that happens?
The fabric turned out to be by Robert Kautinan (ref APL 8516) and is available online tirom Sew Creative Quilts. It really finishes the cushion off nicely. and if you want to go one step further, add a datę or lictle niessage to the sampler in backstitch usingonc of the alphabets on page 90. If you fancy goingdown the morę traditional route, simply display your sampler in a plain tranie instead and put it on a wali where everyone can admire it.
FRAMES can alter the whol® feefof a design. somake sureyoutryoutafewoptions out beforo you buy A big. chunky wooden frame is great for a traditional country cottago looh. whereas a thln white or distressed wood frame can transform your sampler intosomefhingsleełt and contemporary. Spend some time mooching in your local frame shop for some irtspiringldeas.
? Cushion
Creative Quiits)
Stuffing or cushion pad
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