Mu- Moftł Pyometi a in ft marę. The uletu* Im severely dl#* femted hy & |#rge umowa of fluid. OlNfthe largo numhpr t»f )tuk(*evt(' rhe tnuulont exml<ue cottinin* vory Wiowy reflee-
Mu. I.IIOj Uteru#and urinaryblndder (arrows)ofamaręy ferłng froin #overe endornutriti*. The uterus, with lis endon tria) fok!* hulging into the lumen, Ifeś cranial to the urift; blwkler,
Mg. l.llli Ttmmm MKttettt of both uterluc Itornu (arruw*) Mg. t.tUi Urometru In a mme, The utctuftwuhuIhmmih ol ,i i mw butler Ing frum mucomctra. I ho hypocehole *ecro the IntUHłterine flulił eoritaiiw *nowy ręfleeUon* *\uh **«* n
tum Iś Hłuonimled hy the thu kened uterine wali. A ffómlutont ho mIno typienl for e(|ulno uriue.
hymen m thh l year old uuue c<ui*cd thc retention ot fluid In hor utofut and yągtna._