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Steam Kngine    Stcam Kit

Thoc patiem ilctaib uhould bc u%cti in conjunclion wrth thc borm-A-lincs Ocncral Intrroctions at thc hack of fhis booklct.

"Out «il    mcan* bcing the ncrdle from thc hack of thc *ork through to thc front.

"In at..." moans takc thc nccdlc front thc right skk of thc wori through u» thc beck.

On many scenom of thi5 design somc holes are used moce than oocc

Hack whcci huh Out at A ut at 0 Out at C in at I)

Out al E in at F Continuc thit scqucncc urrtil thc cwele i% complctc. Ali Ute holes

jrc umtJ Imicc

Hack wltcel spoko Out at M in at K Out at O ut at O Out at P in at O Out at R m at S Continuc this s«jucncc unlil all thc spokes arc complctc

Back urhccl inner rim OutntOinatll Out at I in at J Out at K in at L

Continuc thu sojucncc until thc circlc i* complctc. All thc holes arc usedtwicc.

Hack whcci outcr ran Out at I ut at 2 Out at 3 in u 4 Out at 2 m at 5 Continuc lhi\ sequcnce until thc circlc i5 complctc All ihc holo arc used twKC

Front whcci huh Out al a in al b Out at c in at d Out at c in at f Continuc Um setjucncc until thc circlc u complctc All thc hole* mc u«cd twicc

Front wheel spokc*

Out at m in at n Out at o in ni q Out at p in at o Out ot r in at » Continuc this *cqucncc

until all thc spokcs arc complctc.

Front whcci inncr ran Out at g in at h Out at i in at j Out at k in at I

Continuc this scquencc until thc circlc i* complctc. All thc boks arc UNcd twicc.

Front whcci outcr rim Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at 2 in at 5 Continuc this vequciKC until thc circlc is complctc All thc holes arc used lwice.

< 'onnnurt! >

Thcsc Fnrm-A-I met intnuctiom arc copyright O 2002 I) ) Octiftnt and nuy not bc repruduted wahoot pcmmsmn Pubinhed b> Card Impiralwm Tcwin lilii Farm, Tcwnn. Hem AL6 OLI, UK, Id 01431 717000 FAX 0143* 717477


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