Co.ntin.ued Spending. The attacker and defender can eaeh go back and forth, putting in morę inoney. as long as they are able. When no player is willing to spend morę money to affcci the attack. ihe diee are rolled to determine the resull. Remember: a roU of 11 or 12 results in autonuitic failure. no matter how much power or money is used in the attack.
Resułts Of The Artach. 11'iiie attack fails. the defending Group remains where ii was.
If an Attack to Contro! is successful. the target Group is captured and addcd to the at tac king piayer’s Power Structurc. It is plueed next to its eaplor. with its inward-pointing arruw ncxi to an outward-pointing arrow olr the cap-turing Group, which becomes its new "master.” The eon-troi led Group is now called a “puppet.” Puppels may then capture puppels of their own. and so on!
li does not matter if a rani is ttpsidc-down or suleways, as lont’ as the arrows linę up properh.
If the captured Group already had puppels of its own. ihey are also captured. When placed in the attacker s Power Structurc. they should keep the same position. relative to their own master, that they had originally. II thal is not pos-sible because ofoverlaps with eards the attacker already has. he may rearrange any new eards that overlap. as long as they are still eontrolled by the same Group. New Grottps which still cannot fil are dropped and become uncontrolled.
Half of the money remaining in the captured Groups' treasuries (round down) goes with them to the new owner: the rest is returned to the bank.
The Group which aitaeked may immediatcly transfer any or all of its treasury to the Group it just captured. This is not a separate action. but is considcred part of the attack. Such a transfer is often a good idea. either to proieet the new Group 1‘rom attack or to lei it mount an attack of its own.
If a player's llrst action is an attack. and it fails. the player may attack the same Group again as his second action. However, no indmduai Group (e.uept the UFOs) may attack tw ice in a tum.
A ncwly-eonlrolled Group may attack (or aid an attack, or use its specia! ability) on the same tum in which it was acquired.
This is identical to an “Attack to Contro I" except:
1. The target musi be a Group that is already eontrolled by another player.
2. The attacker guins an additional +6 bonus.
3. If the attack succeeds. the target Group and any sub-
ordinates are placed in the uncontrolled afea. All their money is returned lo the bank.
This is identical to an “Attack to Control" exeept:
1. lnstead of rolling “Power minus Resistance.” the attacker rolls “Power minus Power." In other words. the defending Group defends with its Power rather than its Resistance. Ilis closeness to its Uluminati. as shown on p. 5. still counis for defenso.)
A Group with no Power cannot l>e destmyed except by the Special card Whispering Campaign. The factors which keep powerless Groups front organi/ing enough to control other Groups also make them too diffuse to wipe out.
2. Groups willi diflerent philosophies destroy each other morę gasiły. An Attack to Destroy gets a +4 bonus for even opposite alignmenl, and a -4 lor every identical aligimiem.
3. A Group does not need ;ui open control arrow in order to attempt destruction.
4. If the attack succeeds. the target Group goes to the "dead pile." Its subordinate Groups are not destroyed, but become uncontrolled. It can be revived only by the Special card Media Campaign.
5. You may try to destroy a Group you already control. In this, the target's closeness to its Uluminati does not protecl n. But no Group may attack itself or aid an attempt to destroy itself!