

MBocko Zohrov»eo in Hohomiu

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Kig 4. Axonomotric roconitrucUon of building 0/87-11, ita •oulhim frant mul literał vio\v from the woni.

replica of tho odginał plan of building I (Fig. 2). Ho\vovor, tho now post holos aro conaidorubly dif-foront in Iwo napoć tu. Tho drumatic diminiahing of thoir dopth (botwoon 0.2 to 0.5 m) in compariaon with tho anrlior post holos doos not go hand in hund aimply with u chnngo in tho dimonaiona of tho atructuro. It also botraya n diiforont conatruc-tion which doea not uso oxlrcmoly doop aot poata uh tho oxcluBivo aupporting mombora. Tho load was probably dialributod and supportod by tho walla thua making it poaaiblo to loavo out furlhor aupporta inaido tho intorior. Tho Hocond uapoot, roluted to tho firat ono, uro tho unuaually largo post holu pluną, almoHt 1 ma. Thoir tiul bottoma aorvod ua bnaoa for orocting tho quudrangular vortical poata but thoy ulao providod a cortnin apneo for aidowuya ropoaitioning during tho eon-atruction. Tho projoct could do thiB limo without

wali tronchos. Tho aupporting walla roatod ihr«Ht ly on tho atlla aitting on tho lowllod up surfaco of tho ground.

Tho abovo conaidorationa nmy aorvo aa tho atarting point for tho roconatruotion of tho probablo progross of tho conatruction. Building I nlroady oxhibitod a wido uao of hown timbor. Building U waa, in tlua reapoct, ovon moro doinnnding (Fig, 4). Tho walla woro put to-gothor IVoin timbora up to approx. 15 cm iit crosa-aoction, in tho eornora probably lup-jointod (on thia toohniquo and ita ovidonro aoo Zippoliua 1954, 841, ovor tho provioualy dug-up post holos according to tho plan. Noxt, tho door tYnmoa woro tononod into tho sili on tho aouthorn front aido. Only a (tor tho tuli hoight of tho walla hnd boon roaehod woro tho vorti-cal posts on tho northorn, woatorn and oaat-orn aido, aupporting tho walla lYotn tho out* aido and tho inaido, aot into tho ground. Tho mnin ftinction of tho poata waa to roinforco tho walla and to mąko tho collar, forinod by tho wali platoa, moro rigid whilo tho inaido poats car-riod tho tio boama na woli. Tho finał poaition of tho poata, oapocially on tho outor porimotor, waa probably dotorminod in tho eourso of conatruction. Tho finał adjuatmonUi loft Migną of aocondary sidoways movomont in tho outlinoa of tho post holoa. Tho foundations woro thon aealod with tho onrth from tho burnt ground.

Ilypothoticnlly, tho roof atructuro can bo imaginod na a roplica of tho originul ono. Tho ridgo pioco roatod ovidontly on king poata raiaod from tho tio boama. Tho ahinglo eovor, picturod in tho roconstruction, ia only ono possibllity. alboit a higly probablo ono givon tho timbor atructuro of tho building.

DimonaionH of building 1 and 11

Building 1 falla without quoation into tho cutogory of "largo houaoa". Ita long woalom and oaatorn aidoa aro of oxuctly idontical longth, 13.(10 m Tho shortor aouthorn aido, in fnet tho front, monauml from cornor to cornor, ia 9.90 m long, tho alightly widor northorn aido ia 10.5 m. Tho roconalructod aron covorod ia 147.33 ma, out of which tho fioor apneo of tho intorior ia 134 ma, lf tho dimonaiona of tho roconalructod building woro tranalutod using tho unit longth of tho Coltic oppidum in Munching (Schuborl 1992), tho ahortor aouthorn and northurn aidoa would corroapond with nn oqulvnlont of 32 or 34 Ibot r(m|K<ctivoly, tho long Hidoa with 44 lool. Tho maln front thon, aa far as tho dimonaiona aro concurnod, moru or loaa oqunla tho front of tho building B inaido tho tpmdrnn-gular oncloauro of Hopfingon (Kilgia 1993, 103, Abb. 29-30).

|Tho roducod dimonaiona of tho Intor building muld iw u diroct conaoąuoneo of tho chnngo in tho eon nt rur tiuli design which, fur rraanni of Htuhilily. nllowod uitly for n limttod longth of tho Jointod willi, llawd on tho rooonstructian tho ahurtor aidoa nioiiHurod 0 40 nnd 7 10 ni. wbiło tho Imigor iinoo woro lignin of o«|unl longth, M AA m Tho intorior mvorod «n nron of uhnoat 64 nr' and was 9.6 tiiiios Ninnller thnn in tho originnl building Tlili dniu tronslotod into tho Mandung unit longth wnuld amount to 91 or 93, and 93 fort rtwpocUvely. Tho dimonaiona and propnrtlona corroapond with ono of tho basie plan typoa Irmn tho Mnnehing oppUluni, "Hnaiatyp 1 \" (Schu bort 1004, 141-144, Abb. 3,3b. Holi 6). Tho build-ings In MlerkA 2ohroviro diffor from tho ree tnngulnr piana in Manching by thoir typicnl, ahghtly trnpoKuidnl outlino. Thia “dofornuttion" turnmlly cnnfirma diroct rolntion conatruction-wiao with tho wallod onrlosuro, which itaolf hna n alightly trupoaoid ahnpo. Ono outlino fol lowod unuthor, howover, tho pnmary (hnctiun of thn pnrtirular furm ta, aa yot, atiU to bo dotor ininod._

Tho otul or tho woodon nrchitocturt* tn tho cornor of tho aouth oncloauro

Tho toto of tho lalor building (building II) romatna vaguo i lud it boon burnt down, thon, uh n roault af tho alwnrr of burnt plaotor, no yioiblo rantains srom to ltavo romauunt łlnvlng aaiil thnt, it would arom probablo thnt nt lonst in aumo tllhuga of tho poat holos. trnooH uf sunkon pontu colouioil by rhurccml would lmvo boon (bund in Hitu. Kv«ui procis« invoatignt lun, thuugh, cliii not dlacoyor any traros of thia Wlmt ia lott - nlthough it niuat bo Considomi with aomo roaorvnttuna - ia altumaliw numbor two, tho doatruction of woutl atructuro* by naluml dreny antl rot Thnt could huvo hnp-penod tu a building nlmmlunoil but aa yot ataiuiing, or alromły bmught down mul lovollo«i with tho ground at ground lovol. Acconling to tho ovonta eonnoctod with tho marlatono sculpture our in» agtnatton may wandor (Yooly on thia mat tor

Potr ORDA liustitulo of Archnouli>gy Lotonska 4, 11H 01 Prulm I Caoch Ropubllc


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