samolot 2

samolot 2


High Flier!

Set your youngsters soaring wilh this awesome airplane!

Materials (per child)

2    tagboard copies of the wing pattern on page 29

3    tagboard copies of the stabilizer

pattern on page 29 1 paper towel tubę 1" x 8" piece of tagboard four 2* x 1'// pleces of tagboard masking tape

gray or silver tempera paint paintbrush scissors

permanent marker


1.    Cut the paper towel tubę to eight inches in length.

2.    Use masking tape to aftach the wlngs and two stabilizers to the underside of the paper towel tubę as shown.

3.    Bend the long piece of tagboard (nose) around the front end of th© tubę and tape in place.

4.    Cut a one-inch slit in the upper back of th© tubę.

5.    Insert th© last stabilizer into the slit and tape in place.

ó. Roli the smali pieces of tagboard into smali tubes and tape to the underside of the wlngs for engines.

7.    Paint the entire piane.

8.    Add details with a marker.

Sosan Kapaurt • Orchard Pork NY



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