arrangmg the bodaa wat nol ubiguitous. it predommatet in both 8iwa ara) Kidawa fUHotna 1970 351-363: Bytomiu 1976 141. ZatoM 1976 134j Oul of 17 ste-letal bunafs daco/ered n the cemttery of Inowrocław, sile 58. vi w many w nva caew ta deoeased were plaoed in tw fie«ed ponton, and ar> additonal tvw e/ampłee were sirrularfy laid oul but ptaced on trier left aide.
Whal a aiso sigrotoant a ta wary ta poi* trat make up ta grata gooda are leiactad and arranged AMhongh it a diWioult to dacam ora Mandard arranganant. the płacing of obpcta in ta gra ret wat definitely not aoo-dental. The common feature of burait of tr« typa a in (ad ta paucity of ta grata ntamory — m wtadt day pole predonranale (compare Bykowski 1976:141-142; — especially when compared with crematon bunaa Aa a rule, two or three pot* were ptaced in each grata, on rare occasons there a a single pot and e/.ceptonali/ morę than three (Biskupin, gratre No, 1: Inowrocław Me 58. grave no. 30). Moreoyer. in moat catee ta pots were ptaced near the head and much morę rarety tower down reiatnre lo the body. at waat level or near the feet The positioning of ta grata gooda within ta Petezyska gra/e offers, among othsrs, confirmation of tha rule. Howe/er. in this case what ca#* for specaal attenton re the arrange-ment of two compiete pots. ta smaller ora in front of the skuli and ta bigger ona behind. An identica! or /ery similar patiem can be obsenred in the gra/et from Inowrocław. Me 56 (features 13 and 31). in additon, m all three cases the same positioning and type of pot is repealed — the oup in front of ta face and the boM behind the head. a feature which can hanty be deemed acddental The same set — a bowl and a cup — at-though arranged within ta grave in a slightfy diffsrent way. aocompanad se/erai otar gra/et at tut Ma (nos. 1, 9, 28. 58). It shouid be noted that at ta afore-men-tioned bunale are womena gra/w. Bowis and cupe. wo-lated or in tet> of three pots werefound m another tour female gra/es (nos. and in ona małe burta! (no. 67).
Similar arrangements. in which a iarger pot was placed behind ta corpse which was lymg an es nght side with legs bent with a smaDer vessel on ta oppo-site side. appfy to the geographcaky somewhat dtstani gra/e from Kraków Nowa Huta. a sile which het already been referred lo. as well at ta burial disoovered at Banki in north-eaet Połand (Bohnsack 1936); in both cases ta grave goods aiso compraed also a twd pot ptaced by ta feet of ta burial.
Finalły. sona adaneon shouid ba paad to ta guw-tkm of grave orientation. Howe/er. once mora it is dS cult to disoem the ruiet which may heve been appiied
though this doet ngt mwn that no tueh Met were ap-t*aó Deep4ethe rarying onentahon bat wee characto-nett for bota ** Pre-Roman and ta Eafy Roman p*. noat ta Łaying oul of the gra/e pit—and of the body— wet dtAniaty aaompemed by an etampt to conetpgra
with ta main Cardinal pointe (H-% or E~H) Exęeptons to tu Me team łargely to ha/e reeuhed from different Mato of preaaon r. panng ta poMbon of ta gravec. Taking Mo account all gra/es. a M-S orientaton ctaarty donunatw fcf. Bykowski 1976. 140-141). Hnwo/or taking Mo consideraton ta chronological diffarentia-tion of ndMduai sites one can obeer/e a generał rule aocordmp to whch ma predommance inrrriamn gra-dualiy cnar tma (d Niewęgiowski 1961.52-56) As an e/ample. the camatary d Kietrz fGadi 1372:110-112) Shows that a ta ad/ancad. pbase B2 .stage of ta Sady Roman penod a M-6 onataMon oecame tw Me Tha appereni tendency aeems to be oontmwd by tha Mue-bon reoordad at Inworootaw, Me 56 As many as four oul of We gra/es daaefied as batongng to ta aariar pńase of ta cemeter/s use had tav tongar ans aligned E-W. while ali twtaze binalt from ta youngar phase were M-S (CoHa-Broneweka BeOnamyk 1996 fig. 4-5). Al ta tana tona t may ta supposed tot ta differ-ertaaton vi ta abgnmem of gra/es from ta cłder hon-zon may ha/e resutted from auch features aa sexuai dif-ferentiaton Wmough t a fcut to ta dogmaec on ths matar. G a worth nobng that all gra/es feom this horizon that ha/e been idaiMefl M cettaMy (gra/e nos. 54. 64) were female bunaa aa was ta case at Petezyska and Barta
An tmportarG feature d ta bunal ntuai obser/ed at Petezyska which was eslabtehed beyond doubt, a tha tying back of ta ama Tha lacfc of parafie! abaanrMona and tha tchem Mc natae of ta fcwtabcns mdi heia sppaarert in eariwr pubbcatona. lat atone ta poor ratę of wkatatal praanmeon maia * wipnaatM to oonttode whether tfus was a common etatom. Judging by tne ar-rangement of ta arm tona and scapulae of tha skele tana bom Inowrocław (g»ia nce. 13.31,57.64,67; (may ba presumed. trat at Moat aome of ta daoaaaad were aiso beetod m a miar manner
Few skeletal gra/es batog bom ta period aa ha/e been disoussing are known ouiside the Przeworsk cU-ture oirde which are similar in ritual to ta Petezyska burial. Isolaled finds of ta type induding ta burials where ta pot was placed by ta skuli, are known from the Poanefi Lukaśe/ka culture area (Babeę 1933:34-35;. Wary Mareatng rbanweraa. dated to pfase Bla of ta Roman period, eona from aouth-west Slo/akia (Kotlik 1971:509-514. fig. 9.2:10). a regon which was tan occupad by ta Ouadi. Indi/idual burials in this area