111219413825927953593149045845 n

111219413825927953593149045845 n

Multi-word le.\iciil vcrl»s: rwision

1. Dccidc which trwtstormtuion-. nrc poislblo.

1'hrnsul vcrb pi,ck up the co fa



look fot' the hu#


propositionnl vcrb rut Jown on swe.ets

Pr cc combination \ sin# ih the ruin



(H'Ut \W VCMS Vtp

Adverb msertion (between t erb & particie)


^O. VA»tl

tl«v V;V\Cl tOx»V





Two types of wh-question

X W>A^Uof V>Ao v)





Aduptcd front Closc Kxcrcise 215

Usc particie ntpycmcm muł «clvcrł> insert jon tó ehcck if the vcrbs bo.low nrc phrasal or prepositional. (One vcrb is ncithcr!)

1.1 will bring up this ąueslion ul om ncxl mccting. (dcfinitcly) ,    /

/ 2. We shąll thcn dcal with Ute problem, (morę fully)    <'•*<■ 1

r 3. lłavc you looked into this matter? (elośoly)

4. The facts do not bear out your argument, (clcarly) ^ r 5. No one has cvcr looked alter this house. (properly) i ’, • s/ 6. 1$ anybody attending to yóu? (carefully)

7. They lumed,down my applicntion. (eycntually)

8. Thicves brokc into Ute National Bank łasi niglit. (brazenly) i'v

9. The citizens setupon nny forcigucr, howcver inuocent. (viciously) ' t 10. You must get onwith thisjob. (quiekly) {    ,    ■.

Closc Exerci.se 216

Name the lypc of vcrb and make Ute sentcncc pn$Sivo:


1.    Wc were just talking about that ,aniele.

2.    Qucen Elizabeth slcpljin tius l>ed.

3.    We could easily buckiouLo^thai ogreement.

4.    You must break down thosc figuros.

5.1 should lcave this senttinee out.

6.    We havc not yet dcalt with this pmagraph.

7.    Wc must now sec to this matter.

8.    We arc looking forward to that Mm.

9.    Wc musi out down on theso exponsos.

10.    You should get on with this job lirst.

.    ..i*.. . WŚS..    .....


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.DfeS . >.V.U.V*. . ty...    ..................ęJY. x..,

..r*.\    . tyM M*.V........

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.. A\ iw.    . .})    to.. $c*.    .....fV<. v.


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