• IWilACJi multi- peri- semi- tri- ultra- uni- |
many around half tlirec bcyond, cxccssivc, cxtrcmc one |
Stems: | |
•aster-, -astro-, -stellar- |
star |
-auto- |
self |
-bio- |
life . |
-cycle- |
circle |
-mega- |
great |
-mort- |
death |
-phil- |
love |
-polis- |
city |
-psych- |
mind |
-soph- |
wise |
Suffixes: |
• |
-ist |
one who |
i. |
ps\diolopist |
a. |
tvorldly-wise; knowing; finely expericnced |
phibnthropist |
b. |
a writtcn history of a person’s life | |
j. |
sophisticated |
c. |
tiie science of life or living matter in all its forms and |
4. |
biochemist |
phcnomena | |
5. |
biocraphy |
d. |
one wlio studies the Chemical compounds and processcs |
6. |
biology |
occurring in organisms | |
c. |
one who shows lovc for mankind by doing good works | ||
for society | |||
r. |
one who studies mental processcs and behasior |
a. an optical instrument wliich allows a subniarinc to observe thc surface from below tlic watcr
7__ |
antihiotic |
8__ |
asteroid |
U__ |
megaseopic |
10__ |
pcriscopc |
II. |
nltramicroscopc |
1 n |
astronomer |
13. _ cyde
14. _ scmicirclc
16._ trilogy
I 7__astrology
18._ triplct
19. |
unilateral |
20__ |
bilatcral |
21. |
ultraviolet |
22__ |
niult iniillionaire |
23. |
ultranationalism |
24__ |
multicolored |
b. an instrument used to dełect an objęci too sfnall to be scen willi an cml i nary microscopc
c. rescmblinp a star
il. visib 1 c to thc unaiclcd cyc; cnlargcd. mapnificd c. a suhstancc capable of killing iiiicroorganisins f. a scicntific obscrvcr of thc planets, stars, and outcr spacc
a. a scrics or group of Ihrcc rclatcd dramas. opcras. nouK etc.
b. a half circlc
c. pertaining to tlie use or combination of thrce diffcrcnt colors
d. thc study of the influence of thc stars on human allairs
c. one of three childrcn born at one birth
f. a rccurring period of time in wliich certain cvcnts repc.it themsclves in the same order and at the same intervals
a person who has many millions of dollars having many colors
pertaining to, involving, or alfecting only one sidc affccting two sides or parties
invisible rays of the spectrum lying beyond the violct ciul of thc visible spectrum
excessive dcvotion to national interests as opposcd to intcrnational considerations