n s!C .<x/fcJLłr.
T$łt> proccNN, illustruted in Figurę 8.22, was detciopcd by Barnard in South Afriea tU.S. EPA. jv»75i The pn>ceNs consists of Iwo aerobic and iwo uno\tc lanks fołtoucd hy a skrnc t.uik. Tank 1 is ano\ic and i\ usctl for dcnitritication. using wastcwatcr
p a earbtiii m«ukc. Tank 2 H an uerobtc tank utiil/ed lor both carbonaccous o\idation and niinluaiion. The inixcd liquor front ihts tank, which contains nitrate, is returned to «.»nk I The ,uhi\k tank 3 rentmes by dcnitńikution the nitrate remainmg in the etłluent. f indu. tank 4 is an a.fobie tank used to strip the nitmgen g;\s that rcsuUs trom dcnilntica-thni, ih:--. i.mpfounę miust scltling.