The new Royal Siar in 500 c.e. capacity—same features and brand ncw design as tlić 650 model. Mas the smoolh, delightful performance and quiet opera;ion ihat is so wdl liked ii: a well-enginccrcd 500 c.c. parallcl twin.
Engine: Ovcrhead-valve four strokc (30-S0 cubic inchcs), 65.5 run. borę, 74 mm. strokc. Alloy iron cylinder barrel wiih die-cast aluminium head. Yabc scats are cast-in. Down draught manilcld, contprcssion ralio 8-1. Prcssure oil :'eed to main bcarings, bg ends, and rocker mechanism. Hcavy-duty crankshaft with ovcrs /e bali race on drivc side, high-duiy bi-mclal bearing on timing side. Gear driven sport typc oamshaft in-corporating timed bicalhcr. Light alloy conncctirg rods with micro-babbit steel-backcd big-cncl bcarings. Dry sunp lubri-cation wi:h double gear oil pump and 6-pint capacity oil tank.
Carburetor: Ania! Monobbc lypeof 1 ' borę with large-diameter fclc :ypc air cleaner. Transmission: Four spcod gearbox built in unit with enginc. Positive-stop foot ccntrol.
Gear ratios arc 5.12—6.04—8.44--13.1 • I. Multi piąte clu:ch with bomlec linings runs on rolier hearings anc incorporates soocial synthetic rubber cushion dr we. \" x jj" rcar chain runs in complete cnclosurc. (Enclosurc optiona" at extra cost). g" pilch tri ple-rew primary c.nain with tension rdjuster.
Ignition and Lighting: Engine shsft alternator wiih D.C. rectification for ligiting. Bauer/ ignition with cont.ict breaker niountcd on crankcase. Emergency starting position on ignition switch permiis starting with hattery d.schargcd or dead. Carr.ed in ncw :ypc headlight naccLc arc ammeter, pilot light. illuminated speedoir.ctcr. and ignition and light ng switches. Electric horn. stop-tail light with reflecior. 13 amp lir battery.
Fuel Tank: New design 4-galion tank with rcscnc tap. Tank niountcd on rubber with sirglc hold-down bolt.
Wheel.' and Tires: LHmlop tires, front
3.25—IS rifcbed, rcar 3.50—13 Urm-srsal. Rcar whccl quickly cetadiable. Feli width hubs w'ith straight spokes.
Brakes: Front brake 7" dif.meter, rcar brakc T diameter, located in fuli width hubs. Brakes aic sclf-cnsrguing type wiih adjust&ble fulcrim pins.
Suspension: Front forks .elescopic typc with hydraulic shock absorber* built in. Rcar suspemion is swingirg arm typc with spccial adju.stL.ble shcck absorbers built into spring units.
Framc: Double tubę frame of stror.g and rigio -onstruction. Central stand and jiffy stand Dualscat with passenger footrests. Key-opcratcd sreering bcad lock. valanccd fenders, new. high-emcicncy nuifrlcrs.
Hnish: Starlight BKc Mctallic tank with large chrentę panels and thrcc-dimcnsional BSA nanieplates. Starlight Blce Metaliic fcrdc-s and oil-tank-lool-box enc.osure. Black frame. Many parts finiihed in brill ant ciircmc including conpJctc cxha.rst system, wheel rims. hand.cbars. and dozens of other parts of equipment. Engine cases are highly polished alloy.
General dimensions: Wheel base 54 "; grojnd cicarance 71'; length pYcrall 81"; weight dry 385 Ibs.
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