22412 musc dev043

22412 musc dev043

3145 W Gordon St., Phila., Pa.,

Aug. 17, 1931.

Mr. Earla Liederman ,

305 Broadway,

New York City.

Dear Sir

In my travels in dłfferent oities aB a Physical Director, I have met many young men possessing splendid muscular development who told me that they are your pupiłs. Judging from tbeir build your oourse eurely worked wonders for them.

I was greatly impressed by your won-derful phyBiąue and the exoellent oondition you were in when you visited me laet week, and let me tell you that you are indeed a splendid example of your methods.

I have read and tried your oourse which you left with me and will say you have a system to be proud of. There is hardly a oourse or a system advertised or not advertised in the world to-day that I have not tried. and I will tell you frankly that your system is so far superior to them all, and so modern, that any-one, by following your instruotions, should have no trouble in seouring auick development and strength.

Aooept my oongratulations on your suc-oess. You are indeed all that your name reads— A Leader Ban.

Very truły yours,



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