musc dev055

musc dev055

institutions in and ucar -New York City, and my entire reputation stands behind tliis course. My motto is every pupil witali be !>albfie(l.

My course of instruction covers thrcc mon tli-—One bwon Eacb Week, and includes the Iłrogressive Kxer-eiser and the same cxcrcises by which I dcvoloped myself. But if you do not make the gains I want you to make in that time, I will continue the course until botli you and myself are satisficd Willi Ihc results. In Otlier Words. 1 want to Make a Finislied Atblete of You Iłefore I ani Through willi You. Now, wby not let nie? Usually tiiis re-quires but a few montlis.

Ali I charge is the smali fec of $28 for uli. Surely n well developed body is worth the smali omount I ask.

I have not one dissatisfied pupil and n list of my pupils’ nanieś and addresses will be sent you upon rcquest.

My pupils become my friends, and thry all consider me llieir friend and you will too, if you lakę my course.

Once you enroll with me. you are my pupil for life, for cven though your course lasts but about three montlis, you ure welcorae to corre-sporni with me ever after. and I gladly answer all your questions and continue to help you without nny extra charge whatsoever.

No matter what condition you are in at present, whether you are siekły or whelher you are strong, l can im-prove you 100 per cent in a few weeks. and beforc I am through with you. you will know what rohust health and strength meaus.

Get out of tliat rut you arc living in and become a real man. Have a strong personality, strength, development, endurance, and know what life means wlien you are an atblete.

Have you any bad habit- that are wusting your hest years away and sapping your vitulity? Be honest willi yourself, for you alone know.

Are you a slave to youthful errors that are slowly making you a morał and physical wreck? If you are. you can overcome them, and I can be of great help to you. I can fili you fuli of “pep” and energy and make you master of yourself,

Can you boneslly stand in front of a mirror and look yourself slraigbl in the eyes and cali yourself a real ninn? You are judged by your appearance. Are you satisfied with


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