Your Phyłicnl Diroctof 'U »»ii himMU Mi l»W»»
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MaU. w. OfftCIAt -md «tk«
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Sp*ei«6łt Ib Pkytic*! Pariectioft. D*«f H«*lłk M«tuq« and Phy»ic»l CorraetloB COHiUt TAtlON fT AWOIKtMtNT OMU
>:nr Jtlonds
I edUd on ny ®ld frlor.d oif.Uy Coultor rocumtly and naturally *o got •=rlkln* »'«wt body fculldinj; nad rariteularly Eov ty jupils ”vro ytorrtoolnc. i told his about you nnd ba *na grontly Intorcotod. That*a Ot-itry nil crc-ur, o t>if-rV-.i r. *11 ih« HIBS-;.- • -r.\ sr. *.fn Orld .'c-r *.h=st '•!» arę :’.r‘vi: •<*
bulli l+itor bodl-2. lk auli for you uo atloh: to it li!:o Iw *.:d otbore havo, and you sili jwroly raap a harroot of d^hty auaffular aar.hood.
1 juat aor.tloh fcfłia 'aocouai I ui auro you will approelat* hic fcod wlahoa nad It will onoourego you to atiok by your iTuna*
Hem dtd you sałat out wtth your Ust wock »ork outl Dld you foel tbe V'“r*d to ye-i? rhcst and tho fciofc ln your trieo. s tr.-.en nrootlcinf ozoreiooi r.ur.b*r 5Y and 351
Thla **ok we ar* tałdn* up coaa rwel rtutclo contraotion WMoh will bo ocnttnaod in r.oct w«k'» pro i; na:. /.flor that, your tralninc cour*© *111 b* laid .
I ho^o you still koc. up tho aanltary pr*ctio«« cuid your doop broathinę scronecta ercry rwralsg. Snyi :ry « llttla ablpplnf, tho rop* onoo in n wbiło. It la frcat atuff Tor lncroaolr.r ttańlna and your wind will ho sndc noro durablo.
* . -- - • - >y ‘ ;' • r • . : * •
pnrticuliir thinę to wntch la thnk you ald-^ with your body woight ba lanc od high o« tho utll of tho root#
;_s t>.o ropo elrcloa. 4o r.^t >c intiafiod with >ot bop?ln« ovor tho rc;.-, lift tho kr.oo hl^h «o that tho rswcU* of tho onfcir* log ,-°t »ctlon* ?h* »■»>• wit fbllowa aki> £1701 tao a paln» T‘.c lap i-iosloa aocurc r.r red bonofit ft*on a prnotioo Uuit hea dorolopot! a:; Kibltual ollpthod piooo of trnininea
Tkt or throo ninutoa of vlęorou» hlr,h otfr??iaf. «i.-ip?lng Is «nou(h« Tou mat aot koop okipjdrr ur.tll your hcart la radny, liłco a tarł? Kamor. !kk» thi« praetioe ahort and anapyy and hrcatho rlporoualy włth it. Ml do not practicc ju«t atral.-ht cklpplny. Vory it with dlffkroot (bot aovonor.ta9
/?£rW«lT«ly fsyA, y
si/: ta ;:ół—u.l