18894 S5001377 (2)

18894 S5001377 (2)



Standerbau. Eine Studie zu lnnovation und Beharrung im Hausbau. In: Próbie me der Kustenfonchung im sildlichen Nordseegebict 23,i9ttH,tf241.

Zippelius 1994 - A. Zlppelius: Voi mittelalterlichc Zim-merungstechnik in Mitteleumpu, Rheinisches Jahr buch f.Yolkskunde 5,Bonn 1914,: 92.

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Acta Arch. Carpathica = Acta Archaeologica Carpathica Acta Orient. Acad-Stien. Hungar. = Acta Orientalia Academiae Stientiarum Hungaricae Arh.Vestnik = Arheolośki Vestnik Arch.Austriaca * Archaeologia Austriaca Arch. KorrespbL = Archaologisches Korrespondenzblatt Arch.Ósterreichs = Archaologie ósterreichs Arch-Rozhiedy = Archeologicke Rozhledy Arch. Stud. Mat. = Archeologicke Studijni Materiały. Praha.

AVANS = Archeologicke tryskumy a należy na Slovensku v roku. Nitra.

Bayer. Vorgeschichtsbl. = Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblatter

Ber. Bayer. Bodendenkmalpfl. = Bericht der Bayerischen Bodendenkmalpflege

Ber.RGK = Berischt der Romisch-Germanischen Kommission

Ćasopis Moravskeho muz. = ćasopis Moravskeho muzea v Bme. Brno

Fontes Arch.Pragenses = Fontes Archaeologici Pragenses

Hist.Carpatica = Historica Carpatica. Zbomik vychodoslovenskeho muzea v Kośiciach. Kosie.

Hist. Slov. = Historica Slovaca. Zbomik Historickeho ustavu Slovenskej akademie vied a ume    rislava

Jahresschr. Mitteld t. Vorgesch. = Jahresschrift fur Mitteldeutsche Vorgeschich t e

Kurtriensches Jahrb. = Kurtrierisches Jahrbuch

Mat. Arch. = Materiały Archeologiczne

Pam-Arch. = Pamatky Archeologicke

Proc.Preh.Soc. = Proceedings of Prehistorie Society

Przegląd Arch. = Przegląd Archeologiczny

RGA-E = Erganzungs bandę zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Berlin - New York Saalburg-Jahrb. = Saalburg- Jahrbuch Slov.Arch. = slovenska Archeologia Slov. Num. = Sloyenska Numizmat ika

Spisy Artl AV ĆR = Spisy Archeologickeho ustavu Akademie vćd ćeske republiky Brao Stud. Arch. ttetavu ĆSAV v Bme = Studia Archeologickeho ustavu Ceskoslovenske akademie v£d v Brn£ Suppl. ad Acta Mus. Moraviae. Scient. Soc. ■ Su pplementa ad Acta Musei Moraviae Stientiae Sociales Brno Stud. zvesti AtJ SAV = Studijne zvesti Archeologickeho ustavu Slovenskej akademie vied Nitra Universitatsforsch. Prahis.Arch. Bonn = Universitatsforschungen zur Prahistorischen Archaologie. Bonn. vlast. fas. = Vlastivedny ćasopis

Vlast-zbor.Povażia * Vlastivedny zbomik Povaiia Żilina Wiadomości Arch. = Wiadomości Archeologiczne

Zbór.SNM.Arch. - Zbomik Slovenskdho nśrodnćho muzea -Archeológia,Bratislava Zeitschr.Arch. * Zeitschrift fur Archaologie




some Celtic tribes from the south and the west. No-tabły of the Boii, who established a shoit-term bot very prosperous State on the Middle Danube. Another ethnically diversified tribe originated in the Sloeak mountain area, where striking economic conpinc-ture and power concentration has risen.

However, the prosperity and further advancement of both areas was limited by neighbouring Dacia ns and Germans, who significantly took part in the de-cline of economic and politkal structures of the Middle Danube Celtic society. The Germanie campaign led by Cimbri, migrating from the Jutland Peninsula to the south, was the beginning of this almost the century long process recorded by numerous andent sources and it is testified by primary and secondary archaeological eeidence. lt resułted in the migration of a part of Celtic inhabitants from the tenitoty of today’s Czech Republic to the Middle Danube region. Consequentły, archaeologkal sources allow us to sup-pose that these events also affected settlement and economic structures in Moravia and west Siowakia. Apparently, we are dealing here with areas, which were directly facing the Germanie transmigration heading to the Danube region. Within these move-ments we also suppose a migration of indigenous inhabitants from the Danube lowlands by main river courses up to the north, inside the mountain area of Skwakia. Here to a great extent, they contributed to the transformation of local settlement and strengthe-ning of economic relations. Peopie migrating from


This b >k deals with the Lace Iron Age, focusing on the fir i., La te La Tene phase. lt is a summa ry of all presir nowledge of research in the northem part of th rpathian basin. lt comprises chapters with choi t ipies, which altogether diaw a morę compact    ure about results of the surveyed area.There -

ffore . nt ention is not to describe a complex view of tl aterial and religious culture and its deve-lopr. • of this extremely complicated period in the area as would reąuire deeper evaluation of morę non- published materiał as well as the involvement of different specialists.




During the Middle La Tene period, there was a sub-stantial socioeconomic growth in the Middle Danube region. The development rapidly advanced in subse-quent cent u ries. Due to better exploitadon of sources, production and trade concentration. this progressive process was accompanied by expansion of settlement areas, change of the settlement structure and for-mation of new type of settlements. Besides intemal economic reasons, the population growth helped the development of this area.because of the migration of



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