X'OT lony ajfo the -trony mail aet was *>.
feature of Lhe varlety stairo. Perhap* th»* most rtunou- .jrt of tliła sort was Jli.it • »f Sundow. His umazimr leats of -trenyrh
U-Lonislied uli London,
Mo-t of hi- aet- oonsi.-tod in lifting yroat weiyhls. and he n-ed to tlirow dumh-bells of 150lb. liyhtly a bom the sluge, rnise ló—tone men at ann's lenytli, and tear two pack* ol eards in half l)j* tlić st rengi h of liis wrlsls,
Włieu !u* wns youny and nuknown he Ylslted Amsterdam in soaroli of employment n- a strony uian. After heiny tur and nway 1'rom st*vernl thentres ho fell that ho needed snme mon ns of advertiscmrut.
He took a rnl>man into lite contidence. and toyether thoy lormed a nlan to vlsit all tho wciylil-liftiny machino* in the town njid wreck each of tliem with a puli of the handle.
Thi*. of course, eould only he done hv a vory -trony inr.n. Saudow was so poor tlint 110 lind to borrow 1'rom the on liman the vory roins to put into tho slot machino-. Hm his dariuy .solidno stieeeeded. and hrouyht so mn<di attention that ho emlod np in the Police L'ourt, wliere ho demomstratod on the largest eom-table thnt he really was a strony uian. and nil omled woli,
As Saudow'- fauie -oread ho wn- com-manded to perform before the Herman Emperor. Frederiek William. The eominnnd. we ueed hardly sny. was obeyod with eayer alacrity. and Sandow had lhe ho no nr of eiriny an e.\hlb(tion of hi- prowos- before the Kniser and his royal eonsort. The Emperor w.-;s liimself n mail cf much strenyth, and naturally took pride in wltliessing feat- wliieh hi- athlet*c fellow-ernintryman had In -how liim. With pride iu la- own powors. Frederiek took a oomnleto pack of playimr eards mul with a strony miick tum of the wrists tore tliem iu two. It rniarht hnve been conrtly etinuotte to leave the Emperor to the eniovment r,r ilu- pride he felt in tho work of his ha mis; but somenne informerl Hi- Maje-ty that Sn ndow ronld lieat him at his own feat, and it wa- with nleased -urprise and no ndmixtnre of onvy. that he witnes-ed TWO pack- toru annri by the renowiiod athlete. After witne-sing -ereral ot hor astonishiny feats, tlie Kni-er took a ring of great vulne froru hi- flntrer. wliieh he linii woni for elghteen yenrs. and prrsented ii to Sarnlow.
Anothor Rovnl entlmsiastio earil tearer was the (i rand Duke Nicholas, of Rus.-ia, a very powerful mail. who t<iok a sheer deliyht in iiiYiting uny new strony mail star to come nlony and do bis stul? in the card teariny lilie. The Grand Duke wouhl walch the performer most keeuly n~ to method. and would tlien -liow " how it was done." for it wn- -md that tliere was no method with w bieli he was not familinr. and lii- powerful band- and wrists would invnriably enable him to come out ** 011 top.'*
1 myself tear aa tui der two lirami new park- t whlle iu tln? packefs') into uuarters iii record time. 1 liave trailied dojcens of pupil- to m.-.ster the whole pack. At the moment I am trainiuy pupil Ernest Hothard. "The Pit-boy Hercules." to tenr two pack-!
Hołd tlie cards to the lyidy in po.-ition -liown. Willi ilu* left haml press eards away 1'rom yoii. With the riyht puli the caril* townrds you. when tlie card- will liegin to Tear. as showu. Still keepiny tlie same yrip 'tukiny great caro at tliiś point not to let the car<l- slin> 8CJ1EW tlie card- in lialf. First trv half pnek. With a lit tle nractice you will master the whole pnek. Practiee with obi lioofts and newspnpern.
Zł</(7c Tiri-nt ij-Si.r