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How To Use This Manuał

This book is primarily a tool for therapists lo design home programs for patients using bali exercises prescribed and praciiced during supervised iherapy sessions.** ll also includcs informative chapters to instruct therapists on the other aspects of bali use. However, any healthy individual can use this manuał to learn and perfonn the exercises themselves for fun, fitness and injury prevention. The exercise instructions are designed for the generał pubiic to understand. where necessary, morę teehnical terms are used (See Glossary, page 198-199). Be surę patients understand all terms used on their exereise sheets.

The chapter titles indicate the overall goal of the exercises in that chapter. However. any exercise in which the bali supports the body contains a balance contponent. Several exercises. although grouped in a specific chapter, can be used for other goals. For instance, Squat and Arch, in chapter 2, is a supported spinał extension stretch but can also be used for strengthening and proprioception of the hips, knees and ankles. Therapists are encouraged to look for a variety of applications for each exercise.

The exercises have been written with instructions and drawings to clarify ,rtarting positions and niovenients along with suggested modifications and progressions. Each chapter is arranged beginning with the most gentle exercises and progressing to the most difficult. Tlierapists need to use their clinical expertise to decide the nuntber of exercises given to each patiem as woli as the levcl of the exercisc which tłie patient is capable of performing salely. The number of repeli-tions, weights and freąuency along with duration for stretchcs have been lcft for the clinician to prescribe.

Every patient needs a customized program for their injury/condition.

Patients usually compły betler when thcy understand the goal of an exercisc. The clinician has a "Purpose/Goal" field to fili in for each patient. Many of the exercises are beneficial for numerous conditions (strengthening. balance. slretching) and body parts (back. hip, knee). Therefore, it is important for the therapist to clarify the individual's goal.


Hołd Seconds / Weiahts    / Repeat Times / Do Times/day


© 1995 by Joanna Posner-Mayer, PT



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