41914 ms 003

41914 ms 003


The flaring poster picturising the capabilities of a heavily muscled giant was sufticicnt to attract a large crowd intn the big tent cager to see a display uf strength such as the advertisemcnt proclaimed. Tolson was amongst those who eagerly paid the priee ni admission. Ile was far morę interested in the fcats o! a superman. whoever lie might be. rather than gazę with eestatie awe at the languid performances ot* a few wild animals.

brom the impression derived from the poster the spectators were ready to be thrilled by a mighty mail, weighing something like sixteen stoiies an<l towering over everyone, but to their astonisliment the " Sainson ” proved to be quite a smali individual. who probably scaled no morę than ten Stones.

Their disappointment gave way to amazement, however, when the Strong-Man stripped ofF his dressing robę and revealed a physical development tliat woukl have done credit to another twice his size. Me was a pocket Hercules if ever there was one and great applause greeted his lirst act which cnnsisted of a muscular posing display.

Tolson was thrilled to the marrow. and the feats of strength which followed impressed him intensely. The circus performer passed for inspection amongst the audience sonie six inch nails composed of niild sleel. asking them to test the qualitv of the metal and cndeavour to bend the nails out of shapc.

This was beyond the strength of any who tried, hut the Strong-Man gripped a nail with a piece of cloth and snapped it in half within thirty seconds, to earn a tremendous ovation.

Hc followed this exhibition with others of a like naturę. He broke horse shoes apart; lifted huge wcights with consummate ease.



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