44345 rulespage2

44345 rulespage2


Ii ii is a Specjał eard, the player keeps it. He may place il

Object of the Gamę

The object ol Illuminati is to tako contro! of the worki. You start with a single llluminali eard, represenling your own secrei conspiraey. During the gamę, you takc overother Groups (represented by eards). These Groups are added to your Power Struclure and do your bidding - unless a foe lakes thetrt from you. You may win eilher by controlling enougli Groups, orby fulftlling the speeial goal of your own Illuminati. See p. 8.

Beginning the Gamę

Rcmovc the eigln llluminali eards from the deck: ihey have dark baeks to make them easy to lind. Place lliem face-down on the table. Eacli player draws an Illuminati eard, places ii fuee-up before him. and draws its indicated Ineome from the bank, plaeing it on the eard. Leftover llluminali eards are not used for the remainder ol the gamę.

Shufflc the remaining eards (ineluding .Specials) and place them face-down in the center of the table.

Tum four eards face-up and place them in the center of the table. (II any Speeial eards are turned over, buiy them in thc deck and turn over new Group eards to lepiące them.) These four Groups are the original “uncon-trolled Groups."

Eaćh player rolls iwo dice: the player willi the highest roli plays lirst. He follows the Sequence of Play. helów: he starts by collecting morę ineome for his llluminali Group, turning over one eard, and (hen (probahly) trying to takc over an imconirolled Group with his Illuminati. And the race for world control is on!

Sequence of Play

Play proceeds in turns. On his turn, a player does the following:

/. Collfci Ineome. For each Group that has an ineome, draw that ineome from the bank. Put the money cl troci ly on that eard lilie Group treasury). flint: The gamę will go luster if players count up their Ineome before their turn starts, and have il ready beside each Group eard. Money sliould not be placed on the eard until that player Y turn actually begins.

A player may stack his money so only the top one can be seen. or spread them out to fluuru his wcallh.

2. Draw a eard. If the eard is a Group, il is placed face-up in the center of the table, with the other uncontrolled Groups.

face-down or face-up (whichever he ehooses) in front of him. Howcver, he musi display the eard: hecan'l liide it in a pocket. The other players do not huve the right to know what the eard says, but tliey do have the right lo know how many Specials each player has.

3.    Take iwo "actions," as esplained below.

4.    Take any "free actions." I rce actions Cllso explained below) do not count agatnst the two actions a player is allowed during each turn. Free actions may be laken before. between, or after a player s regular iwo actions.

5.    Transfer money. Part or all of the contents of two irea-surics may be moved to thc treasuries of adjaceni Groups. See p. 7.

6.    Take special-power actions. If the player is the Gnomes ot Zurich. this is the time u hen he may redistribute his money between treasuries. If he is the Bermuda Triangle. this is the time when he may reorganize his Power Structure.

Play eontinues counter-clockwisc until a player (or coalition of players) wins by achievmg their Goals - see p. 16. As play decelops, a gamę tnight look something like this:


] > D







Figurę 1. Tlić gamę labie. A - The deck of face-down eards: B - Uncontrolled Groups; C -Pile uf destroyed Groups: D Power Structures of the four players in (he gamę, each built around an Illuminati eard: E The bank.



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