

When a Group is transferred to another player, its pup-pets (if any) must go with ii. along with all treasuries involved. lite player reeeiiing ihe Group musi immediately 111 ii. ariel it> puppets. inio his power siructurc, cxacily as for movcd or capiured Groups - see above. II'oveflaps cannot be avoided, ihe player musi elinithate them by choosing one or morę óverlapping card. new or old, to become uncontrollcd.

Throwing the Gamę

No player may sirnply "ihrow” the gamę lo another by giving them enough Groups. money, etc. to let them win. A irade thal lets both players win is perfectly legał. It is also legał lo irade willi anoiher player ai the beginning of your tum itnd then surprise everyorie. irteluding the person you traded with. by rcvcaling a special card or pulling uff an unexpeeted attack.

Tliis prohibition requires a certain amount of interpreta-tion and honor among players. The intenl is jusl to keep any one player filom, for whatever reasón. giving away the gamę Ln one tell swoop. A losing player eannot neeessarily jusl decide who will win. (On the other band. by allacking sonic-one, they may very well decide who lows.i

When Is A Deal Binding?

When iwo players agree lo a deal. il is binding if they make the exeha»ge immediately. A deal is not binding if it involves an exchange of one thing now for something in the ful me. Exoinple: If you say 'TU give you 10 MB for the Boy Sprouts, righl now.” and the other player gives you the Boy Sprouls. you have to pay But if you say “II you give me the Boy Sprouts next utrn. I'II pay you U) MB next tum," and be gives yott the Group, you don‘t harc to pay nexl tum. unless you want to!

Threats and Negotiations

Any agreement belween players. secret or otherwise. is permitted as long as ii docs not aettially yiolate the rules of the gamo. For sonie suggeslions, see the Advanced Rules seęlión on the next page.

In particular. it is perfectly legał to to try to chńnge an opponeiu’s niind, by promises or threars, about his planned action.

Special Cards

Bach ofthese cards gi\ es an advantage to the player who draws it. They may be kept fnce-down or sbown. as the player wishes. But he musi keep them spread so other players cąn see how many cards he Itas. Special cards may be traded. sold. or given away at any limę; tliis is a Irce action.

Eacli Special card may be used only once: sonie may be tised at any time. and otliers may be used only as part of a specified action. After a card is used. il discarded.

Any special card may also be used to make an attack “privileged" - see abovc. But only the Deep Agent card ean abolish pmilege.

If two cards are played and one conlradicts the other (for e.sample, Assassination and Mitrpltys Imu ). the last card played is the one thal governs.

Eliminating a Player

A player is eliminated if. at any time after his tliird tum. he Controls no Groups exeepl his liluminati. His money goes to the bank. lixceptiun: If the Sen ants of Cthulhu destroy theirown last Group, and in doing so. aehieve tlieir Special Goal teight Groups destroyed) they arc not dcsuoyed tbent-selves . .. they win!

Leauing the Gamę

If a player drops out, his Groups go uncontrolled and Iheir treasuries go to the bank. His liluminati card is taken out of play.

Winning the Gamę

The gamę ends when. at the end of a tura (his own or someone else's) a player rneets one of his Goals. If Iwo or morę players both tneet Iheir Goals at the same time. they share l.he \ ietory. dividińg the world belween them.

The Basic Goal is the same for all players: to control a certain number of Groups. This number depends on the nuniber of players at the beginning of the gamę. If a player leaves or is eliminated. the number of Groups required to win (see p. 16) does not ehange.

The Special Goal is another way a player ean w in. This is dilferent for each player, representing a specific goal or aim of that particular liluminati. A player wins if he rneets his Special Goal at the end of any tum.

All the Goals arc lisietl on the back page. for easy refer-ence.

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