50075 skanuj0014 (222)

50075 skanuj0014 (222)


GM Foods - a controversial issue

Humans have always 1_

VI Wyjaśnij różnicę między...

a)    a meal and a dish

b)    cutlery and crockery

c)    a salad and a lettuce

d) * CM food and organie food

e) * lunch and brunch *

f) * preserved food and fresh food


Przeczytaj tekst na temat żywności modyfikowanej genetycznie. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.

enriched łabelled modified transgenic grow fresh organie genetic crops

_ plants and animals. In the past, natural methods, such as selective breeding, were the only

tools people possessed. Nowadays, 2_ engineering

allows scientists to insert specific genes into a plant or animal in a much shorter time. Genes from bacteria, viruses, insects, fish

and animals are put into common 3_. There are many

reasons for that. Plants 4_faster and become resistant

to parasites and pesticides. Fruit and vegetables stay 5_

longer. Some other foods contain vaccines, antibiotics and antibodies for diseases like cholera and hepatitis. Rice is

6 _with vitamin A and iron. Other CM modified crops

grow in areas where they wouldńt normally grow.

Farm animals are also of a great concern to scientists who are working on changing some of their natural features, e.g. breeding chickens without feathers, livestock with larger muscles to produce morę meat, etc. Such animals are called

7 _.

Every year 10 per cent morę farmers use CM seeds because they are easier to cultivate. 2/3 of all CM crops are grown in the USA. In India, farmers are madę to grow GM rice and cotton, in South America CM soya and maize.

However, there is still a lot of controversy regarding genetically modified foods because the technologies used for producing GM foods are relatively new. It is essential that all GM foods are

properly 8_so that consumers can decide what they

want to buy. If you want to be surę you do not eat GM food, look for 9_food in the shops.

IX Uzupełnij mapkę skojarzeń wyrażeniami podanymi w ramce.

A table for two, please. Keep the change. I'llhave... coffee shop main course Can I have the bill? cafeteria dessert Is service included? starter pizzeria

Can you add morę words and expressions to the mind map?


Co oznaczają te idiomy?

1.    to have a sweet tooth

a)    to be fond of sweets

b)    to go to the dentist regularly

c)    to have teeth sensitive to cold or sweet food

2.    Let's go Dutch.

a)    Let's go to a pub.

b)    Be my guest.

c)    Let's share the bill.

XI Odpowiedz na pytania. Możesz wykorzystać określeni podane w ramkach.

1. What, in your opinion, is a healthy diet?


Umieść w odpowiedniej kolumnie wyrażenia z ramki związane z produkcją żywności modyfikowanej genetycznie.

unknown effects on human health transferring crop traits to wild species inereased use of agrochemicals irreparable damage to the environment morę powerful control of pests and weeds morę nutritional vałue of crops a way to ąuickly improve crop characteristics allergic responses to new substances in foods inereasing control of agricułture by biotechnołogy corporations

balanced diet provide vitamins contain calcium płenty of fibrę avoid preservatives wholesome bread low-fat foods

2. What's your favourite dish? Can you give a recipe for it?

ingredients method cook serve

Advantages of GM foods

Potential risks of GM foods



Why are you eating so fast?'

'I want to eat as much as possible before losing my appetite.'


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