47627 smpb 59

47627 smpb 59

Health is wealth


Knowlcdge is what makcs one ninn superior to another. If you KNOW and APPLY the secrets in my Coursc you will bc superior to other men. The results obtaincd will prove to you an asset beyond pricc. It means the diffcrcnce betwecn success and failurc. Nor is this any tancirul drcam. Reason it out for yourself. To be a succcss in this age of keen compctition you must work long and hard. This requires stamina, nerve energy, a physical reservc. If. in addition, you havc a splcndid physique you have another advantage" over other men, because you instinctively command rcspect and ndmiration. To possess these is worth money to you. I arn not going to charge you an exhorbitant fee to get thein. The cost of tuition is only $30.00. This includcs everything. Thcrc are no extras. If you pay on a monthly payment basis the cost is $35.00. I ani compcllcd to charge this to pay for the additional clcrical Work and bookkecping involved. Herc is just what I guarantce to givc you:

1.    THE BEST, MOST COMPLETE, MOST THORO, MOST UP-TO-DATE AND MOST PRACTICAL COURSE in Health and Strength Building in the en tire world,

2.    Personal instructions adapted to your ncćds by the WORLD-S MOST PER-FECT AND STRONGEST PHYSICAL DIRECTOR.

3.    Frec consulting scrvicc any timc.

4.    Free services of I)r. Tilncy, Naturcopathic Physician, my Associatc, for over-coming any discase or wcakncss.

5.    Bcautifully illustratcd photographs of mysclf in statuary poses—ready for framing, providing your cnrollmcnt is received within ten days.

7.    Lcssons and instructions eonie in attractive two-tone art covers $o that they are kept ncat and clean, and sent in plain, sealed envelopcs.

8.    My written guarantce that the instructions, if faithfully followed, will surely bring the desired results—Health, Strength and Pcrsonality.

9.    Smali monthly payments if you prefer. $10 down, $10 in 30 days, $10 in 60 days and $5 in 90 days.

10. Upon the successful completion of the Course you will receive the bcautifully t*ngraved DIPLOMA absolutely FREE.

NO WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE! Now you havc evcrything to gain and nothing to losc by enrolling at oncc. Don’t put off this offer or you do yourself an injustice. Fili in the Analysis Blank NOW and mail it to mc TODAY—SURĘ, so that Doc and I can get right on the job and make you another PERFECT MAN. I’vc madę up my mind to build a nation of perfect dfteri and I want you—for our own sake to be among them. I want to bring back the Golden Days of Hercules where cverybody hnd a Perfect Body. I belicvc you are MAN cnough to want to be included among my pupils and to do so will enroll immcdiately.


Take stock, of your physical condition by biling in the Analysis Blank. Find out just how you stand. Resolve to start RIGHT NOW with Perfect Health, Rcncwcd Energy and Grcat Strength by enrolling with me AT ONCE. Get my Course and make surę this ycar WILL bring you Health, Happincss and Success. 7/ you ref me this offer it is likely to bring you Discase and Failurc. Takt* no chances. fili in the Blank and enroll RIGHT NOW.

Weakncss keeps me down and makes mc poor



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