66284 smpb 34

66284 smpb 34

Health is the first Secret oj success

how to rclax, they TH INK thcy know seores of other things pcrtaining to the body. But expericncc provcs to thc contrary. It is the secret knack oj doing these necessary things i/i a certain manner that brings magnetie results. I have madc a lifc time study of thc bcst care of thc body and* give you thc cssential instruction that you can immcdiatcly apply. For examplc you are told how to get maxirnum strcngth, energy, cndurance and vitality from thc use of watcr scicn-tifically uscd. You are fully instructcd how to devclop your Power of Will, Increasc your Physical Magnetism, overcome discasc. In fact you get all thc information for the rapid dcvelopmcnt of bccoming a PERFECT MAN—mentally and phjfsically. Every part of your makc-up is given careful, personal attcntion. You rcccive instruction that I KNOW is not given by any other physical director, school or institute in the world today, and when you’re through with my Course, you havc all there is to get of esscntial information for the COMPLETE develop-ment of the PERFECT MAN. I have one system—the BEST, and that is really COMPLETE. Whcn you'rc through, you do not havc to take any “advanced” course. It’s mighty unfair to you when an instmetor promises you a complete course and then later wants you to take an ‘‘advanced course. You know that such an instmetor is not interested in YOU, but only your moncy. Beware! My system is vastly MORĘ THORO than all other courses and advanced courses put together, and I can prove it. I begin where others Ieave off.


Simpiicity is the Keynotc of my Course. You haven’t timc to go over a lot of dry tcchnical books and non-cssential information. What you want is casy to rcad and casy to follow instructions. In my System you get just the vital facts without the frills. Every lesson is concisc. Every letter is interesting. Every page fairly sparklcs with electrical energy. Every lesson has all the strong magnetie talk that will compel you, through sheer fascination, to do the things for YOUR benefit. Its just the same as if I were with you in person. A few minutes snappy play-time rccreative exercise moming and night is all that is required.

There is nothing complicated. The lessons are beautifully illustratcd with actual photo-graphic reproductions of myself doing the cx-ercises. You have a chance to study the muscular developmcnt and notę what muscles arc especially brought into play during a certain exercise. These bcautiful photographs will cver bc an inspiration to you. It's just likc having your lnstructor by your side guiding you, dirccting you, making everything so simple and easy. In this fascinating System there is no boresome work, no long hard grind Man It the Natural Protcetor of that exhaust$ and taxcs your strength as with    W oman. Can You Qualifyf

Only the strong give—thc weak borrow



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