58325 img228 (21)

58325 img228 (21)

Verb forms

69.    I wish my parents (give) me morę freedom when I was a child.

70.    George is so unhappy. He wishes he (be) a film star.

71.    My boyfriend madę me (kiss) him in front of the whole family.

72.    lt's getting late. It's high time we (go) home.

73.    It (believe) that women are stronger than men,

74.    Professor Jones is expected (arrive) late for the ceremony,

75.    When World War II began Hitler (rule) Germany for six years.

76.    I used (smoke) a lot but I (change) my lifestyle recentiy.

77.    I (not hit) my wife if she (not dance) with that handsome guy all night.

78.    Oh, dear, this weather is awful. I wish it (change),

79.    She never (go) to that party if she (know) that Stephen (be) there.

80.    I wish I (not tell) him. Now everyone will know.

81.    What do you think of his (marry) that giri?

82.    At this time tomorrow I (swim) in the lakę.

83.    Could you make him (stop) (sing)?

84.    Lef s begin by (read) this poem.

85.    Barnie died of (drink) too much.

86.    If you (tell) me about it earlier, I (help) you straight away.

87.    He stopped (have) a cigarette and talk to his friend.

88.    I can't afford (buy) a Computer.

89.    I wish you (wait) for me. I' hope you will.

90.    If only we (have) a light, Ifs depressing to wait in the dark.

91.    It was the drug, not the disease that killed him, He (be) still alive today if he (not take) it.

92.    If James (do) as he was told, he (not be) in trouble now.

93.    When they (come) into the kitchen, they (be) dirty because they (play) in the garden.

94.    I am looking forward to (meet) you.

95.    While I (have) lunch in the snack bar round the corner, I (meet) an old . friend whom I (not see) for a long time.

96.    I wish the dogs would stop (bark).

97.    Nothing (do) to help him sińce he (take) to hospital.

98.    I would rather (go) with you than (stay) at home.

99.    I wish I (be) there now.

100.    I (wait) for morę than an hour when he finally (arrive).

101.    I would rather you (talk) to her.

102.    Ifs time we (finish) writing this book. People (wait) for it.

103.    If you (come) to the party last week, you (meet) a charming giri,

104.    She stopped by the news stand (buy) the morning paper.

105.    I wish I (not invite) him to my birthday party,

106.    You hnd hetter fnrw=*rh the wlnrłnu/ !+'<: in^rciHiKiwhnt!»-

107.    When I (get) home yesterday, Molly (cook) dinner. In fact she (work) in the kitchen for morę than two hours by the time I (arrive).

108.    If only there (be) peace in the world!

109.    Aunt Grace is looking forward to (retire) next spring.

110.    Sheila (not have) a holiday sińce she (come) to Bristol. She wishes she (take) one last August.

111.    Ben (not write) to us sińce he (change) his address. When we (hear) from him, we (get) in touch with you,

112.    Would you mind (not smoke) here?

113.    While Peter (wait) for a tram last Friday, it suddenly (begin) (rain). Unfortunately he (not take) his raincoat with him.

114.    If she (drive) morę carefully yesterday, she (not cause) that accident,

115.    I would like (can) (play) tennis like Steffi Graff.

116.1 saw him (cross) the Street, but he was too far away to speak to.

117.    I wish I (be) morę careful when I did my homework.

118.    If they (behave) well at the last party, the landlady (not be) so upset now,

119.    He (go) on saying the same thing again and again until we were sick of (hear) it.

120.    If only I (know) earlier.

121.    I am surę Helen won't mind (look) after the children.

122.    I am not used to (be) told what to do.

123.    She looks tired. She must (work) hard last night.

124.    It was my mistake. I shouldn't (datę) two girls at the same time.

125.    When i lived in America I got used to (leave) my door open at night,

126.    Have you heard that Mary divorced her husband? I think she shouldn't (marry) him in the first place.

127.    She speaks German very well, She might (spend) a few years in Germany.

128.    Be careful, l'd rather you (not drop) everything on the floor

129.    i wish you (not keep) (pour) hot tea down my neck.

130.    | can't go out now, Suppose my manager (come) in?

131.    At the end of this month Mrs Parsons (work) here for exactly 25 years.

132.    I am so cold that I can't help (shiver).

133.    In the year 2000 George Bernard Shaw (be) dead for 50 years.

134.    If you dislike (peel) onions, try (hołd) them under water while (do) it.

135.    Your stockings need (mend).

136.    I feel like (fly),

137.    | caught him (read) my letters. Fancy him (do) a thing like that.

138.    He says he doesn't remember (promise) (help) you.

139.    i can't help (feel) sorry for the hungry children of Somalia.


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