uj i dc oscy
c) prescription |
d) recipe |
c) expcricnces |
d) feels |
c) inspection |
d) palpation |
c) superiorly |
d) inferiorly |
c) carry out |
d) make |
c) experiences |
d) runs |
c) obstetrician |
d) optician |
c) cannot sleep ties. |
d) is ill |
c) detects |
d) diagnose |
c) consisted of |
d) presented |
c) laryngologist |
d) surgeon |
c) septum |
d) spleen |
4. Many drugs are not available to thc public without a doctofs......
a) agreement b) receipt
5. The paticnt .....of a severe pain in the right calf.
a) complains b) isbothered
6. On.....the doctor found him pale.
a) pcrcussion b) auscuitation
7. I he stornach is.....to the duodenum.
a) superior b) inferior
8. You have to.....an appointment before going to G.P.
a) per form b) do
9. Diabetes.....in his family.
a) inhcrits b) goes
10. An.....specializes in discases of the cye.
a) ophthalmologist b) ophthalmist
11. Mrs Smith suffers from insomnia, she.....
a) may vomit b) cannot eat
12. The doctor examined the paticnt but.....no abnormal
a) noticc b) found
13. The findings.....the inflammation of the right lung.
a) dcvclopcd b) confirmed
14. Mr Brown works in an E.N.T. ward. He is a(n).....
a) endocrinologist b) gastroenterologist
15. The.....separates the thorax from the abdomen.
a) pleura b) diaphragm
Egzamin końcowy z języka angielskiego. Rok akademicki 2010/2011