II. Dokończ podane zdania używając JEDNEGO wyrazu nie zmieniając znaczenia podanych zdań i fragmentów już przetłumaczonych. [15 punktów]
1. The doctor administered medicaments to reduce her temperaturÄ™.
She was administered.....................................................medicaments.
2. Having eaten some strawberries, the patient developed rash.
The patient was.....................................................to strawberries.
3. The brain is in the skuli.
The skuli.....................................................the brain.
4. Before being admitted to hospital the patient was diagnosed. ............................................to admission to hospital the patient was diagnosed.
5. He helps pcoplc who have problems with speaking.
He is a speech.....................................................
6. Blood test showed an incrcase in the number of white blood cells.
Blood test showed hc had.....................................................
7. The examination revealed an inflammation of the sheath surrounding the heart.
The examination revealed...............................
8. Her job is to deal with the blood and its disorders.
She is a.....................................................
9. The patient*s complaint is ringing in the ears.
The patient’ s complaint is .............................
10. The patient did not expectorate any sputum.
The patient's cough was................................
11. He dislocated his joint between the leg and the foot.
He dislocated his...................................
12. 7 he patient has no symptoms.
The patient is.......................