59608 SCAN0047

59608 SCAN0047

CHAPTER 4 ▼ Retina 67


limiting membranę


Retinal cells and synapses. The 10 retinal layers are indicated.

in the photoreceptor layer, whereas the basal aspect is at me inner retinal surface. Cellular processes form a reńculum among the retinal celi bodies and fili in most :: the space of the retina not occupied by neuronal -ilements (Figurę 4-12). Muller cells ensheathe dendritic processes within the synaptic layers, providing insulation from electrical and Chemical activation, and their processes cover most ganglion axons.65

The neuronal celi bodies and their processes appear to reside in tunnels within the Muller celi.51 Delicate apical villi, fiber baskets (of Schultze), terminate between the inner segments of the photoreceptors.1,28


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