Windows Worms Doors Cleaner 1.4.1
by gkweb
DCOM RPC (port 135) is safeły DISABLED on yoo- system.
O Enable DCOM | OfftCta! MKfmll KfllfflY
RPC Locator wil be DISABLED aft er the oexi REBOOT.
Enable LOCATOR| °fficial Microsoft security bułeth
NetBIOS will be DISABLED afterthe nert REBOOT
Enabie NetBIOS | 0ff!«! HiCfWfl ?SSVfftY Eutttf!
UPNP and SSDP sefYices not available on Windows 2003 ser.er O I offictal Microsoft security bułetn
email address Waming Messenger will be ENABLED after the r>exl REBOOT wfifiŁSS Oose Messenger | gUffialMiCflMn «CVT»tY