and some verv raluable Information conceruing their upbringing are contained in " My System for Children." which is issued by the pubbshers of this book. from whom all particulars may be had on application.
Kat. like rheumatism and stiffncss. can be kept at bay by rational physicai exercise every day. Most people tliink that they are too old for gymnastics as soon as they are over thirty. This is a lamentable error. Physicai cxercise is the only unfailing means whercby one can preserve one's youthful strength, actifity and buoyancy. both of body and mmd. " Yes, but if you hat e not gone in for this nonsense sińce you were a boy, it cannot be any use to set about it tvhcn you are lifty and begin to feel old ! ” But that is just it—it can
I have receit cd liundreds of letters from both men and women. of ages ranging from lifty to cighty-tive years, declaring that by the use of " My System " they hate become as if rejut-enated. and the only complaint they hate to make is that they had not become acquainted with the System before they grete so old.
Amongst the pupils at my Institute 1 reinember a lady. a bishop and a coloncl tvho all tliree started the exercises tt hen about eighty-four years old One of them was in six tteeks freed from constipation of thirty years' stand ing.
The minds of such men teork according to other latvs. and in higher spheres, than those of the uninitiated. and they are consequentlv inclined to oyerlook the fact that tlteir bodies are subject to quite ordinary natural laws. If the body is not looked after it will et entually rebel against the tnind and pretcnt it from attaining its high goai. Most of the great composers and many poets died in their thirties. How many treasures of sound and how many ealuable literary produc-tions the world has lost simply because they took no thought for the health of their bodies !
It is especially adrantageous for singers to deeelop their abdominal muscles and their cliest.
The Hygienic Sense is not one that is acquired in the study. Un fortunately it is only too often lacking in those quarters wiiere it raight be of most use. that is to say. among the Sanitary Authorities themselves.