63143 Obraz6 (26)

63143 Obraz6 (26)

We have also dealt exceptionally well with erwironmental issues. We’ve been working hand-in-hand with the world's top experts in ecology to help us prepare the most efficient program to make our air and water cleaner. It was only last month that a group of our State officials visited Sweden's Capital, erm... Pari... erm... Zurich... to discuss ways to limit the emission of darbon cioxide... erm... carbon dioxide, that is!

Politician's assistant: [1.5] Sweden's Capital is Stockholm, not Zurich.

Politician: Oh. is it? Are vou surę? Weil. I would never have said... Right, my assistant has just told me the Capital of Sweden is Stockholm, not Zurich. Thank you, Sarah. Isn't she lovely? My dear fellow State citizens, if you give me another chance and elect me for the next term, I promise...

1.1    F

I meant San Jose, of course! I'm glad we are meeting here.

This is where my wife comes from!

Polityk mówi, że cieszy się, iż spotkanie odbywa się w San Jose, ponieważ stąd pochodzi Jego żona.

1.2    T

This is where I learnt this basie truth: if you really believe in something, you should always follow your dreams! Never give up and you're going to achieve exactly what you want!

Polityk mówi, że trzeba podążać za swoimi marzeniami, a wtedy osiągnie się dokładnie to, czego się chce. Wierzy, że marzenia mogą się spełniać.

1.3    T

I have worked hard over the last six years to proudly represent our State and improve the well-being of its residents.

Polityk wspomina o ostatnich sześciu latach, podczas których reprezentował stan, ma więc już doświadczenie na tym stanowisku.

1.4    F

Our investments in education have brought excellent results: when compared to last year, this year's test scores are higher by nearly a third!

Polityk mówi, że wyniki egzaminów w tym roku są o jedną trzecią lepsze, a nie że były lepsze rok wcześniej, jak błędnie podano w pytaniu.

1.5    F

Politician's assistant: Swedens Capital is Stockholm, not Zurich.

Politician: Oh, is it? Are you surę? Well, I would never have said...

Gdy polityk dowiaduje się, jakie miasto jest naprawdę stolicą Szwecji, mamrocze, że nigdy by tak nie powiedział. Nie jest więc prawdą, że po prostu zapomniał - nigdy tego nie wiedział.

Zadanie 2.

Presenter: The topie of the day is of course last night'$ football gamę. You keep calling in to share your opinions with us. Here are some of them.


FootbaIPs coming home, eh? Whoever came up with that one doesn't know a thing about football. I've been supporting England sińce I was five and l've never seen a worse gamę in my life. I mean, look at those players. They can't even pass the bali properly! And these blokes represent our country! [2.1] Have you got anv idea what kind of money these lads are earning? If they don't even feel like moving, thev don't deserye all those millions of pounds! Do you know what I mean?!


I feel really sorry for the players, the coach and all the fans.

[2.2]    Why didn't the referee see that bali cross the goal linę? We could have still won it! Well, maybe not, but we still stood a chance. We were robbed again. It just feels awfui! People expected so much from this team and now we have to wait another four years. Again!


I could see it coming as soon as Germany scored their first goal. 4-1, my goodness! What a shame! I never shared this belief that doing it "the English way" was the best.

[2.3]    We've been playing "the English way" for the last ńfty years and haven't achieyed much! It's time to change ęyerything in English football: the education of young players, the training methods, the strategy! it's time we learnt our lesson. And the manager is overpaid, by the way.


I wish football had never been inyented in the first place, considering what's happened to my husband. [2.4] He hasn't spoken a word to anyone sińce last night. He didn't go to work today. I'm not even surę if he let his boss know. I've never seen him behave like that. It's only a stupid gamę! What an awfui thing football is! Really!


Last night really upset me. I mean, l'm sorry for the team like everyone else, but theres something else... I bet some money on Germany, you see... I never believed they could win. It was just for fun! I won 1,000 pounds... The first time l've won anything in my life. I don't know. [2.5] I should be happy,

I suppose. But now I feel really bad about that money.

2.1    C

Have you got any idea what kind of money these lads are earning? If they don't even feel like moving, they don't deserye all those millions of pounds!

C jest poprawną odpowiedzią, ponieważ mężczyzna stwierdza, że gracze nie zasługują na tak wielkie sumy pieniędzy, jakie zarabiają.

2.2    D

Why didn't the referee see that bali cross the goal linę? We could have still won it! Well, maybe not, but we still stood a chance. We were robbed again.



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