Tlw aT M frcrn.-.G* bofcwttm yw ind rJor: nr. ionłr, Ot*vl»y Coultcr md _ :;or t. 'toaa, ta that tłwy ł»vo rot .-oiaolea that Iiayo a struoture troMiidousły <1«m*li1«wł wlth -l lllema or nunolo fibros. Fnaao ajjioIob Hat* b«Mm ta tralnod that '.v:lty v-‘ terrlflc eonfcraclian. It 1* a o tuto that you c'n rcncl; ir yott wi«h to etrWa £*t>r it* Xt la J»t boyond you« }'othixvf.
' .T.ciil i.-.# net. Ir you dotomino or. lato- ulw trtlni&{> I car. aafoly pruci ao you if y©u fo)' -w cor.tlnwrusly th* mlicdule that 1 wt eoin/; to outllno fOr you n*xt woh, you aan reaob tho super atnto or phyaioal ctronKth* I Will rr«.'tllne your cr..S%'.r- e*up*l|pi fS. it it up to 71*1 to fbllow it aa riyoroualy aa ponaibla.
Th* *tatc*»nt that asorelao atur.ta ęrowth ia *11 bunt. wornor tock up tral.-.Irj* whor. ho w*a orjy clcvar. 70ar3 af nrvi 2 edbmoad vban I uta nina ycara o' a.*-', t:ni I c*ir. rjiro 'Wouaandś vho • tar te <5 ymmg* 0:> Łba othor hond, I knem «v«n or« t.>ic atartod ralnlnr aftaor thny hftd roaohod thoir thlrtias end rot tba aoa* roitolts.
v *111 now crooood with our naw wcorciaae for ihia wook, and ! hop© you will lik* tbe na =t»ob ne >rr.- of *ho nrcrioun -tron *x*roiaoo. I want you to locie fonrird ‘o tha r-rlsai coureo or twolYc esoroiaoa that will ba a to y«i rwoet tcolc*
te 1 - n -! - -ac nooloc o- youra sin.- . th cner^y.
So lo-r till aort wook«